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The Secret Agent, by Joseph Conrad


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_ Most of the thirty or so little tables covered by red cloths with a
white design stood ranged at right angles to the deep brown
wainscoting of the underground hall. Bronze chandeliers with many
globes depended from the low, slightly vaulted ceiling, and the
fresco paintings ran flat and dull all round the walls without
windows, representing scenes of the chase and of outdoor revelry in
mediaeval costumes. Varlets in green jerkins brandished hunting
knives and raised on high tankards of foaming beer.

"Unless I am very much mistaken, you are the man who would know the
inside of this confounded affair," said the robust Ossipon, leaning
over, his elbows far out on the table and his feet tucked back
completely under his chair. His eyes stared with wild eagerness.

An upright semi-grand piano near the door, flanked by two palms in
pots, executed suddenly all by itself a valse tune with aggressive
virtuosity. The din it raised was deafening. When it ceased, as
abruptly as it had started, the be-spectacled, dingy little man who
faced Ossipon behind a heavy glass mug full of beer emitted calmly
what had the sound of a general proposition.

"In principle what one of us may or may not know as to any given
fact can't be a matter for inquiry to the others."

"Certainly not," Comrade Ossipon agreed in a quiet undertone. "In

With his big florid face held between his hands he continued to
stare hard, while the dingy little man in spectacles coolly took a
drink of beer and stood the glass mug back on the table. His flat,
large ears departed widely from the sides of his skull, which
looked frail enough for Ossipon to crush between thumb and
forefinger; the dome of the forehead seemed to rest on the rim of
the spectacles; the flat cheeks, of a greasy, unhealthy complexion,
were merely smudged by the miserable poverty of a thin dark
whisker. The lamentable inferiority of the whole physique was made
ludicrous by the supremely self-confident bearing of the
individual. His speech was curt, and he had a particularly
impressive manner of keeping silent.

Ossipon spoke again from between his hands in a mutter.

"Have you been out much to-day?"

"No. I stayed in bed all the morning," answered the other. "Why?"

"Oh! Nothing," said Ossipon, gazing earnestly and quivering
inwardly with the desire to find out something, but obviously
intimidated by the little man's overwhelming air of unconcern.
When talking with this comrade - which happened but rarely - the
big Ossipon suffered from a sense of moral and even physical
insignificance. However, he ventured another question. "Did you
walk down here?"

"No; omnibus," the little man answered readily enough. He lived
far away in Islington, in a small house down a shabby street,
littered with straw and dirty paper, where out of school hours a
troop of assorted children ran and squabbled with a shrill,
joyless, rowdy clamour. His single back room, remarkable for
having an extremely large cupboard, he rented furnished from two
elderly spinsters, dressmakers in a humble way with a clientele of
servant girls mostly. He had a heavy padlock put on the cupboard,
but otherwise he was a model lodger, giving no trouble, and
requiring practically no attendance. His oddities were that he
insisted on being present when his room was being swept, and that
when he went out he locked his door, and took the key away with

Ossipon had a vision of these round black-rimmed spectacles
progressing along the streets on the top of an omnibus, their self-
confident glitter falling here and there on the walls of houses or
lowered upon the heads of the unconscious stream of people on the
pavements. The ghost of a sickly smile altered the set of
Ossipon's thick lips at the thought of the walls nodding, of people
running for life at the sight of those spectacles. If they had
only known! What a panic! He murmured interrogatively: "Been
sitting long here?"

"An hour or more," answered the other negligently, and took a pull
at the dark beer. All his movements - the way he grasped the mug,
the act of drinking, the way he set the heavy glass down and folded
his arms - had a firmness, an assured precision which made the big
and muscular Ossipon, leaning forward with staring eyes and
protruding lips, look the picture of eager indecision.

"An hour," he said. "Then it may be you haven't heard yet the news
I've heard just now - in the street. Have you?"

The little man shook his head negatively the least bit. But as he
gave no indication of curiosity Ossipon ventured to add that he had
heard it just outside the place. A newspaper boy had yelled the
thing under his very nose, and not being prepared for anything of
that sort, he was very much startled and upset. He had to come in
there with a dry mouth. "I never thought of finding you here," he
added, murmuring steadily, with his elbows planted on the table.

"I come here sometimes," said the other, preserving his provoking
coolness of demeanour.

"It's wonderful that you of all people should have heard nothing of
it," the big Ossipon continued. His eyelids snapped nervously upon
the shining eyes. "You of all people," he repeated tentatively.
This obvious restraint argued an incredible and inexplicable
timidity of the big fellow before the calm little man, who again
lifted the glass mug, drank, and put it down with brusque and
assured movements. And that was all.

Ossipon after waiting for something, word or sign, that did not
come, made an effort to assume a sort of indifference.

"Do you," he said, deadening his voice still more, "give your stuff
to anybody who's up to asking you for it?"

"My absolute rule is never to refuse anybody - as long as I have a
pinch by me," answered the little man with decision.

"That's a principle?" commented Ossipon.

"It's a principle."

"And you think it's sound?"

The large round spectacles, which gave a look of staring self-
confidence to the sallow face, confronted Ossipon like sleepless,
unwinking orbs flashing a cold fire.

"Perfectly. Always. Under every circumstance. What could stop
me? Why should I not? Why should I think twice about it?"

Ossipon gasped, as it were, discreetly.

"Do you mean to say you would hand it over to a `teck' if one came
to ask you for your wares?"

The other smiled faintly.

"Let them come and try it on, and you will see," he said. "They
know me, but I know also every one of them. They won't come near
me - not they."

His thin livid lips snapped together firmly. Ossipon began to

"But they could send someone - rig a plant on you. Don't you see?
Get the stuff from you in that way, and then arrest you with the
proof in their hands."

"Proof of what? Dealing in explosives without a licence perhaps."
This was meant for a contemptuous jeer, though the expression of
the thin, sickly face remained unchanged, and the utterance was
negligent. "I don't think there's one of them anxious to make that
arrest. I don't think they could get one of them to apply for a
warrant. I mean one of the best. Not one."

"Why?" Ossipon asked.

"Because they know very well I take care never to part with the
last handful of my wares. I've it always by me." He touched the
breast of his coat lightly. "In a thick glass flask," he added.

"So I have been told," said Ossipon, with a shade of wonder in his
voice. "But I didn't know if - "

"They know," interrupted the little man crisply, leaning against
the straight chair back, which rose higher than his fragile head.
"I shall never be arrested. The game isn't good enough for any
policeman of them all. To deal with a man like me you require
sheer, naked, inglorious heroism." Again his lips closed with a
self-confident snap. Ossipon repressed a movement of impatience.

"Or recklessness - or simply ignorance," he retorted. "They've
only to get somebody for the job who does not know you carry enough
stuff in your pocket to blow yourself and everything within sixty
yards of you to pieces."

"I never affirmed I could not be eliminated," rejoined the other.
"But that wouldn't be an arrest. Moreover, it's not so easy as it

"Bah!" Ossipon contradicted. "Don't be too sure of that. What's
to prevent half-a-dozen of them jumping upon you from behind in the
street? With your arms pinned to your sides you could do nothing -
could you?"

"Yes; I could. I am seldom out in the streets after dark," said
the little man impassively, "and never very late. I walk always
with my right hand closed round the india-rubber ball which I have
in my trouser pocket. The pressing of this ball actuates a
detonator inside the flask I carry in my pocket. It's the
principle of the pneumatic instantaneous shutter for a camera lens.
The tube leads up - "

With a swift disclosing gesture he gave Ossipon a glimpse of an
india-rubber tube, resembling a slender brown worm, issuing from
the armhole of his waistcoat and plunging into the inner breast
pocket of his jacket. His clothes, of a nondescript brown mixture,
were threadbare and marked with stains, dusty in the folds, with
ragged button-holes. "The detonator is partly mechanical, partly
chemical," he explained, with casual condescension.

"It is instantaneous, of course?" murmured Ossipon, with a slight

"Far from it," confessed the other, with a reluctance which seemed
to twist his mouth dolorously. "A full twenty seconds must elapse
from the moment I press the ball till the explosion takes place."

"Phew!" whistled Ossipon, completely appalled. "Twenty seconds!
Horrors! You mean to say that you could face that? I should go
crazy - "

"Wouldn't matter if you did. Of course, it's the weak point of
this special system, which is only for my own use. The worst is
that the manner of exploding is always the weak point with us. I
am trying to invent a detonator that would adjust itself to all
conditions of action, and even to unexpected changes of conditions.
A variable and yet perfectly precise mechanism. A really
intelligent detonator."

"Twenty seconds," muttered Ossipon again. "Ough! And then - "

With a slight turn of the head the glitter of the spectacles seemed
to gauge the size of the beer saloon in the basement of the
renowned Silenus Restaurant.

"Nobody in this room could hope to escape," was the verdict of that
survey. "Nor yet this couple going up the stairs now."

The piano at the foot of the staircase clanged through a mazurka
with brazen impetuosity, as though a vulgar and impudent ghost were
showing off. The keys sank and rose mysteriously. Then all became
still. For a moment Ossipon imagined the overlighted place changed
into a dreadful black hole belching horrible fumes choked with
ghastly rubbish of smashed brickwork and mutilated corpses. He had
such a distinct perception of ruin and death that he shuddered
again. The other observed, with an air of calm sufficiency:

"In the last instance it is character alone that makes for one's
safety. There are very few people in the world whose character is
as well established as mine."

"I wonder how you managed it," growled Ossipon.

"Force of personality," said the other, without raising his voice;
and coming from the mouth of that obviously miserable organism the
assertion caused the robust Ossipon to bite his lower lip. "Force
of personality," he repeated, with ostentatious calm. "I have the
means to make myself deadly, but that by itself, you understand, is
absolutely nothing in the way of protection. What is effective is
the belief those people have in my will to use the means. That's
their impression. It is absolute. Therefore I am deadly."

"There are individuals of character amongst that lot too," muttered
Ossipon ominously.

"Possibly. But it is a matter of degree obviously, since, for
instance, I am not impressed by them. Therefore they are inferior.
They cannot be otherwise. Their character is built upon
conventional morality. It leans on the social order. Mine stands
free from everything artificial. They are bound in all sorts of
conventions. They depend on life, which, in this connection, is a
historical fact surrounded by all sorts of restraints and
considerations, a complex organised fact open to attack at every
point; whereas I depend on death, which knows no restraint and
cannot be attacked. My superiority is evident."

"This is a transcendental way of putting it," said Ossipon,
watching the cold glitter of the round spectacles. "I've heard
Karl Yundt say much the same thing not very long ago."

"Karl Yundt," mumbled the other contemptuously, "the delegate of
the International Red Committee, has been a posturing shadow all
his life. There are three of you delegates, aren't there? I won't
define the other two, as you are one of them. But what you say
means nothing. You are the worthy delegates for revolutionary
propaganda, but the trouble is not only that you are as unable to
think independently as any respectable grocer or journalist of them
all, but that you have no character whatever."

Ossipon could not restrain a start of indignation.

"But what do you want from us?" he exclaimed in a deadened voice.
"What is it you are after yourself?"

"A perfect detonator," was the peremptory answer. "What are you
making that face for? You see, you can't even bear the mention of
something conclusive."

"I am not making a face," growled the annoyed Ossipon bearishly.

"You revolutionises," the other continued, with leisurely self-
confidence, "are the slaves of the social convention, which is
afraid of you; slaves of it as much as the very police that stands
up in the defence of that convention. Clearly you are, since you
want to revolutionise it. It governs your thought, of course, and
your action too, and thus neither your thought nor your action can
ever be conclusive." He paused, tranquil, with that air of close,
endless silence, then almost immediately went on. "You are not a
bit better than the forces arrayed against you - than the police,
for instance. The other day I came suddenly upon Chief Inspector
Heat at the corner of Tottenham Court Road. He looked at me very
steadily. But I did not look at him. Why should I give him more
than a glance? He was thinking of many things - of his superiors,
of his reputation, of the law courts, of his salary, of newspapers
- of a hundred things. But I was thinking of my perfect detonator
only. He meant nothing to me. He was as insignificant as - I
can't call to mind anything insignificant enough to compare him
with - except Karl Yundt perhaps. Like to like. The terrorist and
the policeman both come from the same basket. Revolution, legality
- counter moves in the same game; forms of idleness at bottom
identical. He plays his little game - so do you propagandists.
But I don't play; I work fourteen hours a day, and go hungry
sometimes. My experiments cost money now and again, and then I
must do without food for a day or two. You're looking at my beer.
Yes. I have had two glasses already, and shall have another
presently. This is a little holiday, and I celebrate it alone.
Why not? I've the grit to work alone, quite alone, absolutely
alone. I've worked alone for years."

Ossipon's face had turned dusky red.

"At the perfect detonator - eh?" he sneered, very low.

"Yes," retorted the other. "It is a good definition. You couldn't
find anything half so precise to define the nature of your activity
with all your committees and delegations. It is I who am the true

"We won't discuss that point," said Ossipon, with an air of rising
above personal considerations. "I am afraid I'll have to spoil
your holiday for you, though. There's a man blown up in Greenwich
Park this morning."

"How do you know?"

"They have been yelling the news in the streets since two o'clock.
I bought the paper, and just ran in here. Then I saw you sitting
at this table. I've got it in my pocket now."

He pulled the newspaper out. It was a good-sized rosy sheet, as if
flushed by the warmth of its own convictions, which were
optimistic. He scanned the pages rapidly.

"Ah! Here it is. Bomb in Greenwich Park. There isn't much so
far. Half-past eleven. Foggy morning. Effects of explosion felt
as far as Romney Road and Park Place. Enormous hole in the ground
under a tree filled with smashed roots and broken branches. All
round fragments of a man's body blown to pieces. That's all. The
rest's mere newspaper gup. No doubt a wicked attempt to blow up
the Observatory, they say. H'm. That's hardly credible."

He looked at the paper for a while longer in silence, then passed
it to the other, who after gazing abstractedly at the print laid it
down without comment.

It was Ossipon who spoke first - still resentful.

"The fragments of only ONE man, you note. Ergo: blew HIMSELF up.
That spoils your day off for you - don't it? Were you expecting
that sort of move? I hadn't the slightest idea - not the ghost of
a notion of anything of the sort being planned to come off here -
in this country. Under the present circumstances it's nothing
short of criminal."

The little man lifted his thin black eyebrows with dispassionate

"Criminal! What is that? What is crime? What can be the meaning
of such an assertion?"

"How am I to express myself? One must use the current words," said
Ossipon impatiently. "The meaning of this assertion is that this
business may affect our position very adversely in this country.
Isn't that crime enough for you? I am convinced you have been
giving away some of your stuff lately."

Ossipon stared hard. The other, without flinching, lowered and
raised his head slowly.

"You have!" burst out the editor of the F. P. leaflets in an
intense whisper. "No! And are you really handing it over at large
like this, for the asking, to the first fool that comes along?"

"Just so! The condemned social order has not been built up on
paper and ink, and I don't fancy that a combination of paper and
ink will ever put an end to it, whatever you may think. Yes, I
would give the stuff with both hands to every man, woman, or fool
that likes to come along. I know what you are thinking about. But
I am not taking my cue from the Red Committee. I would see you all
hounded out of here, or arrested - or beheaded for that matter -
without turning a hair. What happens to us as individuals is not
of the least consequence."

He spoke carelessly, without heat, almost without feeling, and
Ossipon, secretly much affected, tried to copy this detachment.

"If the police here knew their business they would shoot you full
of holes with revolvers, or else try to sand-bag you from behind in
broad daylight."

The little man seemed already to have considered that point of view
in his dispassionate self-confident manner.

"Yes," he assented with the utmost readiness. "But for that they
would have to face their own institutions. Do you see? That
requires uncommon grit. Grit of a special kind."

Ossipon blinked.

"I fancy that's exactly what would happen to you if you were to set
up your laboratory in the States. They don't stand on ceremony
with their institutions there."

"I am not likely to go and see. Otherwise your remark is just,"
admitted the other. "They have more character over there, and
their character is essentially anarchistic. Fertile ground for us,
the States - very good ground. The great Republic has the root of
the destructive matter in her. The collective temperament is
lawless. Excellent. They may shoot us down, but - "

"You are too transcendental for me," growled Ossipon, with moody

"Logical," protested the other. "There are several kinds of logic.
This is the enlightened kind. America is all right. It is this
country that is dangerous, with her idealistic conception of
legality. The social spirit of this people is wrapped up in
scrupulous prejudices, and that is fatal to our work. You talk of
England being our only refuge! So much the worse. Capua! What do
we want with refuges? Here you talk, print, plot, and do nothing.
I daresay it's very convenient for such Karl Yundts."

He shrugged his shoulders slightly, then added with the same
leisurely assurance: "To break up the superstition and worship of
legality should be our aim. Nothing would please me more than to
see Inspector Heat and his likes take to shooting us down in broad
daylight with the approval of the public. Half our battle would be
won then; the disintegration of the old morality would have set in
in its very temple. That is what you ought to aim at. But you
revolutionises will never understand that. You plan the future,
you lose yourselves in reveries of economical systems derived from
what is; whereas what's wanted is a clean sweep and a clear start
for a new conception of life. That sort of future will take care
of itself if you will only make room for it. Therefore I would
shovel my stuff in heaps at the corners of the streets if I had
enough for that; and as I haven't, I do my best by perfecting a
really dependable detonator."

Ossipon, who had been mentally swimming in deep waters, seized upon
the last word as if it were a saving plank.

"Yes. Your detonators. I shouldn't wonder if it weren't one of
your detonators that made a clean sweep of the man in the park."

A shade of vexation darkened the determined sallow face confronting

"My difficulty consists precisely in experimenting practically with
the various kinds. They must be tried after all. Besides - "

Ossipon interrupted.

"Who could that fellow be? I assure you that we in London had no
knowledge - Couldn't you describe the person you gave the stuff

The other turned his spectacles upon Ossipon like a pair of

"Describe him," he repeated slowly. "I don't think there can be
the slightest objection now. I will describe him to you in one
word - Verloc."

Ossipon, whom curiosity had lifted a few inches off his seat,
dropped back, as if hit in the face.

"Verloc! Impossible."

The self-possessed little man nodded slightly once.

"Yes. He's the person. You can't say that in this case I was
giving my stuff to the first fool that came along. He was a
prominent member of the group as far as I understand."

"Yes," said Ossipon. "Prominent. No, not exactly. He was the
centre for general intelligence, and usually received comrades
coming over here. More useful than important. Man of no ideas.
Years ago he used to speak at meetings - in France, I believe. Not
very well, though. He was trusted by such men as Latorre, Moser
and all that old lot. The only talent he showed really was his
ability to elude the attentions of the police somehow. Here, for
instance, he did not seem to be looked after very closely. He was
regularly married, you know. I suppose it's with her money that he
started that shop. Seemed to make it pay, too."

Ossipon paused abruptly, muttered to himself "I wonder what that
woman will do now?" and fell into thought.

The other waited with ostentatious indifference. His parentage was
obscure, and he was generally known only by his nickname of
Professor. His title to that designation consisted in his having
been once assistant demonstrator in chemistry at some technical
institute. He quarrelled with the authorities upon a question of
unfair treatment. Afterwards he obtained a post in the laboratory
of a manufactory of dyes. There too he had been treated with
revolting injustice. His struggles, his privations, his hard work
to raise himself in the social scale, had filled him with such an
exalted conviction of his merits that it was extremely difficult
for the world to treat him with justice - the standard of that
notion depending so much upon the patience of the individual. The
Professor had genius, but lacked the great social virtue of

"Intellectually a nonentity," Ossipon pronounced aloud, abandoning
suddenly the inward contemplation of Mrs Verloc's bereaved person
and business. "Quite an ordinary personality. You are wrong in
not keeping more in touch with the comrades, Professor," he added
in a reproving tone. "Did he say anything to you - give you some
idea of his intentions? I hadn't seen him for a month. It seems
impossible that he should be gone."

"He told me it was going to be a demonstration against a building,"
said the Professor. "I had to know that much to prepare the
missile. I pointed out to him that I had hardly a sufficient
quantity for a completely destructive result, but he pressed me
very earnestly to do my best. As he wanted something that could be
carried openly in the hand, I proposed to make use of an old one-
gallon copal varnish can I happened to have by me. He was pleased
at the idea. It gave me some trouble, because I had to cut out the
bottom first and solder it on again afterwards. When prepared for
use, the can enclosed a wide-mouthed, well-corked jar of thick
glass packed around with some wet clay and containing sixteen
ounces of X2 green powder. The detonator was connected with the
screw top of the can. It was ingenious - a combination of time and
shock. I explained the system to him. It was a thin tube of tin
enclosing a - "

Ossipon's attention had wandered.

"What do you think has happened?" he interrupted.

"Can't tell. Screwed the top on tight, which would make the
connection, and then forgot the time. It was set for twenty
minutes. On the other hand, the time contact being made, a sharp
shock would bring about the explosion at once. He either ran the
time too close, or simply let the thing fall. The contact was made
all right - that's clear to me at any rate. The system's worked
perfectly. And yet you would think that a common fool in a hurry
would be much more likely to forget to make the contact altogether.
I was worrying myself about that sort of failure mostly. But there
are more kinds of fools than one can guard against. You can't
expect a detonator to be absolutely fool-proof."

He beckoned to a waiter. Ossipon sat rigid, with the abstracted
gaze of mental travail. After the man had gone away with the money
he roused himself, with an air of profound dissatisfaction.

"It's extremely unpleasant for me," he mused. "Karl has been in
bed with bronchitis for a week. There's an even chance that he
will never get up again. Michaelis's luxuriating in the country
somewhere. A fashionable publisher has offered him five hundred
pounds for a book. It will be a ghastly failure. He has lost the
habit of consecutive thinking in prison, you know."

The Professor on his feet, now buttoning his coat, looked about him
with perfect indifference.

"What are you going to do?" asked Ossipon wearily. He dreaded the
blame of the Central Red Committee, a body which had no permanent
place of abode, and of whose membership he was not exactly
informed. If this affair eventuated in the stoppage of the modest
subsidy allotted to the publication of the F. P. pamphlets, then
indeed he would have to regret Verloc's inexplicable folly.

"Solidarity with the extremest form of action is one thing, and
silly recklessness is another," he said, with a sort of moody
brutality. "I don't know what came to Verloc. There's some
mystery there. However, he's gone. You may take it as you like,
but under the circumstances the only policy for the militant
revolutionary group is to disclaim all connection with this damned
freak of yours. How to make the disclaimer convincing enough is
what bothers me."

The little man on his feet, buttoned up and ready to go, was no
taller than the seated Ossipon. He levelled his spectacles at the
latter's face point-blank.

"You might ask the police for a testimonial of good conduct. They
know where every one of you slept last night. Perhaps if you asked
them they would consent to publish some sort of official

"No doubt they are aware well enough that we had nothing to do with
this," mumbled Ossipon bitterly. "What they will say is another
thing." He remained thoughtful, disregarding the short, owlish,
shabby figure standing by his side. "I must lay hands on Michaelis
at once, and get him to speak from his heart at one of our
gatherings. The public has a sort of sentimental regard for that
fellow. His name is known. And I am in touch with a few reporters
on the big dailies. What he would say would be utter bosh, but he
has a turn of talk that makes it go down all the same."

"Like treacle," interjected the Professor, rather low, keeping an
impassive expression.

The perplexed Ossipon went on communing with himself half audibly,
after the manner of a man reflecting in perfect solitude.

"Confounded ass! To leave such an imbecile business on my hands.
And I don't even know if - "

He sat with compressed lips. The idea of going for news straight
to the shop lacked charm. His notion was that Verloc's shop might
have been turned already into a police trap. They will be bound to
make some arrests, he thought, with something resembling virtuous
indignation, for the even tenor of his revolutionary life was
menaced by no fault of his. And yet unless he went there he ran
the risk of remaining in ignorance of what perhaps it would be very
material for him to know. Then he reflected that, if the man in
the park had been so very much blown to pieces as the evening
papers said, he could not have been identified. And if so, the
police could have no special reason for watching Verloc's shop more
closely than any other place known to be frequented by marked
anarchists - no more reason, in fact, than for watching the doors
of the Silenus. There would be a lot of watching all round, no
matter where he went. Still -

"I wonder what I had better do now?" he muttered, taking counsel
with himself.

A rasping voice at his elbow said, with sedate scorn:

"Fasten yourself upon the woman for all she's worth."

After uttering these words the Professor walked away from the
table. Ossipon, whom that piece of insight had taken unawares,
gave one ineffectual start, and remained still, with a helpless
gaze, as though nailed fast to the seat of his chair. The lonely
piano, without as much as a music stool to help it, struck a few
chords courageously, and beginning a selection of national airs,
played him out at last to the tune of "Blue Bells of Scotland."
The painfully detached notes grew faint behind his back while he
went slowly upstairs, across the hall, and into the street.

In front of the great doorway a dismal row of newspaper sellers
standing clear of the pavement dealt out their wares from the
gutter. It was a raw, gloomy day of the early spring; and the
grimy sky, the mud of the streets, the rags of the dirty men,
harmonised excellently with the eruption of the damp, rubbishy
sheets of paper soiled with printers' ink. The posters, maculated
with filth, garnished like tapestry the sweep of the curbstone.
The trade in afternoon papers was brisk, yet, in comparison with
the swift, constant march of foot traffic, the effect was of
indifference, of a disregarded distribution. Ossipon looked
hurriedly both ways before stepping out into the cross-currents,
but the Professor was already out of sight. _

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