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The Voyages of the Ranger and Crusader, and what befell their Passengers & Crews, a fiction by William H. G. Kingston

Chapter 14. Foraging

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When daylight broke, the whole harbour appeared covered with white-crested waves, dancing and leaping wildly, while the beach was covered with the fragments of the launch.

Harry felt very unwilling to communicate the disaster to Mrs Morley. It must be done, however. As soon as she appeared, he told her of what had occurred.

"God's will be done," she answered. "Any suffering we may be called on to go through seems light compared with that others have had to endure. I have sought for strength from on high, and it will not be denied me."

The rain had now ceased. In spite of the gale, fires were lighted; and Mrs Rumbelow, with the aid of several of the men, set to work to get breakfast ready. They had still some tea and coffee remaining, as they had been enabled to use but little of it during the voyage; their only other food, however, was the wild-fowl and seals' flesh. Of the latter they had certainly an abundant supply, but would willingly have exchanged some of it for the coarsest sea biscuit.

As soon as breakfast was over, Harry held a council of war with the doctor, Captain Twopenny, and Mr Bollard. All hope of getting away, if no vessel appeared, was now cut off. They might have to remain many months--it was impossible to say how long. Winter would soon be upon them; and as shelter from the cold and wet was indispensable, the first thing was to build warm substantial huts, the next was to provide food. The doctor was of opinion that they could not depend on the seals remaining in the harbour, while he feared that the health of all would suffer unless some variety of food could be obtained. He advised, in the first place, that the seals' flesh should be salted and dried, so as to have a store in reserve should the animals disappear. He volunteered also to set off, when the weather moderated, on an exploring expedition, to ascertain the natural productions of the country.

"We may find roots and fruits of some sort which may answer the purpose of bread and vegetables, and we may discover the hogs and goats you speak of, Dicey; and perhaps some other creatures," he observed. "In my opinion, when people use their intellects, and exert themselves, there are few parts of the world so utterly unproductive that they must of necessity starve,--as we should certainly if we were to sit down in this little nook with our hands before us."

"Very right, sir," observed the boatswain. "I have a notion that we should also keep a look-out along the coast for any vessel which may be passing. If we remain up here, any number might go by and not discover us. As soon as the weather moderates, I'll therefore, with Mr Shafto's leave, take the boat down the harbour, and search for some point where we may establish a look-out place, and set up a flagstaff with which we can signalise any ship coming in sight."

Harry at once agreed to Bollard's proposal, and Captain Twopenny volunteered to accompany the doctor on his proposed exploring expedition.

In the meantime, as the weather continued too bad to move to any distance, it was arranged that all hands should turn to at house-building. The spot selected for the little village was on the driest piece of ground to be found at the foot of the hill; and it was agreed that the first house put up should be for Mrs Morley and her daughters, with another for Captain and Mrs Twopenny close to it. The best axe-men at once commenced felling trees. They were not long or thick enough, however, to form log-huts after the American fashion. It was settled, therefore, that they should be put in upright, close together, and the interstices filled with clay, while the outside walls, as well as the roofs, were to be thatched with the long grass which grew in abundance at the foot of the hills.

While the men were hewing down the trees, Mrs Rumbelow, with four of the most active women, set to work to cut the grass for thatching. It was no slight task, as it was evident that a large quantity would be required. By the end of the first day, they had, however, formed a stack of considerable size. In the meantime, Willy and Peter, with young Broke and the other boys, collected all the fragments of the boat which had been washed on shore. With some of the planks they proposed forming a floor for Mrs Morley's cottage. The most perfect were kept for repairing the cutter, and Willy suggested that others might serve for manufacturing casks in which the seals' flesh could be pickled.

"But where are we to get the salt from, now that the doctor's still is not at work?" asked Peter.

"We shall find plenty of it among the rocks if we get some sunshine," said Willy; "and if not, we must dig some salt pans. I heard him say that if we could obtain plenty of salt, there would be no fear of our starving."

Where people labour with a will, under good management, work proceeds rapidly. Before the evening the timber for the first two cottages was shaped, and trees for several others were cut down; while grass enough had been stacked for thatching them.

The ladies were not idle. Fanny and Emma Morley insisted on carrying the bundles of grass, and even poor Mrs Twopenny tried to exert herself, but certainly did very little real work. When Mrs Morley was seen accompanying her daughters, Mrs Rumbelow came up to her. "Please, marm, I beg your pardon, but that must not be. What is play to us is killing work for you. Let an old woman advise you, and don't go and knock yourself up. Mr Shafto commands here, and I am sure he will say I am right." It was not, however, without difficulty that the poor lady could be induced to return to the tent.

The first two cottages were completed. They had fire-places composed of stone and clay at the further ends, the wall being of sufficient thickness to prevent the woodwork outside from burning; while the chimneys were formed of wood coated inside with clay. The roofs were made double; the lowest set of rafters were first covered with grass, and a layer of clay placed over them: above this was a thickly-thatched pointed roof, so that the snow and wet could not rest on it. Harry and Willy, with the assistance of the doctor, put up a porch in the front of Mrs Morley's house, which gave it a picturesque look. As there was no planking to spare, the doors and window-shutters were formed of rough frames and bars across, with grass thickly interwoven between them. These served to keep out the wind and cold, and, as Willy said, looked excessively rural. The bedplaces, fixed against the walls, were raised some feet from the floor, and formed much after the fashion of the doors. In the centre was a table constructed out of the planking of the launch, with seats on either side. Bound the beds, with a sailor's forethought, Harry had stretched some broad pieces of canvas, assisting to keep off any draughts which might make their way in blowing weather into the cottage. Captain Twopenny's abode, though smaller than Mrs Morley's, was constructed in the same manner. He and Harry, with all the men of the party, had been up by daybreak to complete them. As soon as breakfast was over, they invited the ladies to take possession of their new cottages. Mrs Morley and her daughters expressed themselves delighted with theirs.

"You have indeed, Mr Shafto, laboured hard to secure our comfort," she said, "and we feel most grateful. I little expected so soon to have such excellent shelter."

"What a fearful place to have to live in during the winter," said Mrs Twopenny, as she surveyed the abode to which her husband introduced her. "Why didn't you build it of brick."

"Simply, my dear, because no bricks can be had," answered the captain, not looking very well pleased; "and this you will, I hope, find warm and comfortable. We might have been very much worse off, believe me."

Mrs Morley and her daughters at once set to work to arrange, with the scanty means at their disposal, the interior of their cottage, assisted by Mrs Rumbelow. Meantime, all hands were engaged in putting up the other huts. One of larger dimensions was in a short time finished for the women, into which they at once moved; Harry and the officers taking possession of the tent; while two other huts, one for the men, and another for themselves, were being erected.

The sun at length shone forth brightly on the little settlement: the woods were alive with song-birds, numbers of which came fearlessly flying up as if to ascertain what the strangers had been about. Their notes were very sweet, though their plumage was somewhat sombre. They seemed especially anxious to make the acquaintance of Fanny and Emma Morley, who were standing at the porch of their cottage watching them, and surprised at the bold way in which they approached. First one came hopping up, and then another, and when the young ladies stooped down and offered them some small bits of meat, the birds without hesitation took the food out of their hands.

"How cruel it would be to kill any of our little confident visitors!" said Emma. "We must beg Mr Shafto to allow no gun to be fired near our village, lest it should frighten them away."

"I am afraid that if there is a scarcity of food it will be very difficult to persuade the people not to do so," observed Fanny.

"But with so many seals and other large birds in the neighbourhood, I trust we may never be reduced to such an extremity," answered her sister.

While they were speaking, a large flock of birds came flying rapidly towards them. Some darted through the open window, others made their way over their heads through the door into the cottage, and others flew round them, evidently in great terror. On looking out, they observed the cause of the birds' alarm. Hovering in the air was a large hawk, about to pounce down upon the little songsters. They called to Captain Twopenny, who was approaching his cottage. He ran in for his gun, and in another instant the savage pirate fell to the ground. Instead of flying away at the report, the little birds seemed to comprehend the service which had been rendered them, and kept flying round and round the cottages, or settling on the roofs, as if perfectly satisfied that no harm was intended them. Harry, who soon afterwards appeared, promised to warn the people against injuring the little birds; and after this they made themselves perfectly at home among their visitors, flying fearlessly in and out of the cottages, no one attempting to interfere with them. They were, indeed, frequently seen settling on the hands of the children, who soon learned to make pets of the confiding little creatures. On several occasions after this large flocks pursued by hawks came for shelter among their friends, when the birds of prey seldom escaped the captain's gun. Among their feathered friends was a pretty little green bird, which sung very sweetly; another was exactly like the English blackbird; and a third, with a red breast, came hopping up with the familiarity of the winter visitor of old England, the dear little Robin. One of the latter perched with perfect confidence on Emma's hand, and seemed in no way disposed to fly away. After looking up pertly in her face, it hopped off to the trellis work of the porch, where it perched, apparently determined to take up its abode beneath their sheltering roof. In a short time several others followed its example; indeed, the porch looked like an aviary, except that the birds, instead of being confined within wire bars, could fly in and out as they pleased, and go off to the woods in search of the food they found most suitable to their tastes.

The young ladies, however, did not give all their time to their pets, for they were anxious to set an example of industry to the rest of the women. They had found some long grass, which they set to work to plait. They began by making some hats for the children; and these succeeding well, they manufactured others for the women as well as for themselves. Even Mrs Twopenny, seeing them employed, tried to make herself useful, and succeeded beyond the expectations of her companions. As soon as the huts were supplied with bedplaces, and tables, and seats, two or three of the men employed themselves in making wooden bowls and cups and plates, though, as they had no turning-lathe, the articles were somewhat rough in appearance. However, as the supply of crockery which had been brought in the boats was but small, they were very acceptable. Others were engaged in making casks for preserving the seals' flesh. Mrs Rumbelow had also carefully collected all the feathers from the wild-fowls which had been killed. With these she made several warm quilts, the first of which she presented to the ladies, telling them that she hoped still to have enough feathers to supply all the women and children.

Another important object, which Harry especially desired to succeed in, was the manufacture of the seal-skins into leather. He was anxious to have these to serve as bed-coverings for the men as soon as possible; he foresaw, too, that their shoes and clothing would soon wear out, and that the seal-leather would be the only material with which to supply their places. On making inquiries among the men whether any of them knew how to dress the skins, Dick Sharp said that he had been apprenticed to a currier, and thought, if he could obtain some suitable bark, he should be able to dress the skins, and make them fit for any purpose which might be required.

"Very well," said Harry; "we must appoint you to that duty; and, doctor, it must be your charge to look out for bark with tanning properties."

His chief anxiety, however, was to provide food for the party. The boat had been sent over every day for seals, but they were already becoming wary, and fewer were killed than at first. Some mussels had been found on the rocks, but they were only to be obtained at low water, and in no large quantities. The doctor and Captain Twopenny had also gone out every day with their guns in search of wild-fowl; but they were compelled to be very economical of their powder, of which they had only a limited supply. Before long that must come to an end. What then was to be done? Should the seals go away altogether, unless they could entrap the birds by some means or other, they would run a fearful risk of starvation.

While Harry was considering this important matter, Paul Lizard appeared with a good-sized cod which he held up triumphantly as he came towards the village. "I have brought this for Mrs Morley and the other ladies, sir," he said; "and if I had some proper hooks I could get as many as would serve all hands. I often used to catch fish when I was a boy; and so I thought I would just knock out a couple of hooks from crooked nails, and see, what could be done. I took young Broke down with me; and before long we got plenty of bites, but not one could we hook, till at last I caught this fellow."

"There will be no difficulty in getting the hooks," said Harry. "We will set the armourer's mate to work to try what he can do for you." The bellows had fortunately been kept in good order, the stove serving as a forge, and a block of stone as an anvil. In the course of an hour, under Paul's superintendence, a hook was produced which satisfied him thoroughly. This served as a model for others. Some long sticks were cut for rods, while the mussels made excellent bait. Taking two other men with him, Paul hastened back to the part of the shore where he had caught the cod. In the course of a couple of hours the party returned, laden with as many fish as they could carry. The supply was indeed most welcome, and they were received with warm congratulations from Mrs Rumbelow, who forthwith set the women to work to clean and cook as many as were required. The poor children especially were in want of a change of food. Though they had apparently suffered but little from exposure in the boat, several were now ill, and demanded the doctor's constant attention. Little Bessy was among the invalids; and hoping that she might benefit by being removed from the other children, the Miss Morleys offered to take charge of her. From that day she became the inmate of their cottage, and was a constant source of interest.

Paul and young Broke, with Tom Wall and another man, were now regularly constituted the fishermen of the settlement. Next morning, at daylight, they set out, hoping to get some fresh fish for breakfast. They made their way further down the harbour than they had before gone, intending to go out to the end of some rocks which formed one side of a small bay. Peter and Tom Wall had carried clubs with them, on the chance of falling in with seals. On climbing over the rocks above the bay, they caught sight of a mob of sea-lions, apparently fast asleep. Approaching, they were quickly in the midst of the animals, and had killed three cows and their calves before the rest discovered them. Most of the animals, on awaking and seeing their foes, scuttled off in their usual fashion into the water. One old bull, however, a large and savage-looking creature, indignant at having his family thus destroyed, charged at Paul, who was unable to turn and defend himself. Supposing that he could run faster than the sea-lion, he scampered off inland, not a bit alarmed, but shouting and laughing at the idea of having to run away from a seal. The other men followed, trying to attract the attention of the savage beast, who appeared to have singled out Paul as the object of its vengeance. Paul ran on as fast as his legs could move; but the old seal kept way with him as long as he remained on the level ground. Matters were becoming serious, and he saw that, should the creature catch him, he might suffer severely. Fortunately, a high and rugged rock appeared before him; he made towards it, and succeeded in scrambling up its side just as the seal reached his heels. The animal was not to be stopped, and made a great effort to follow, but a sailor in climbing was not to be overtaken by a seal; and just as Paul reached the top, the disappointed brute tumbled over on its back. Tom Wall, with his companion, who had just come up, was on the point of striking the seal when Paul cried out, "Let the old fellow alone; he deserves to live for the pluck he has shown, and we have more meat already than we want." The bull, on recovering himself, instead of attacking his other foes, made off round the rock, and took refuge in a wood a little beyond it, where they could hear him bellowing loudly in his rage and disappointment.

"I have heard tell of an old fellow in India, one Tippo Sahib, and to my mind that's a good name for that old chap," said Paul. "If we ever come across him again I shall know him by his ugly phiz."

While they remained in the neighbourhood Paul, however, could not help looking round every now and then, expecting to see Tippo Sahib charging out of the wood towards him.

On returning to the shore, they found young Broke by the side of the cows. "Look here," he exclaimed, "the creatures have got first-rate milk. If I had a bowl now, I might carry some for little Bessy. I should not be surprised but what it would set her all to rights."

"Well, then, boy, you run back and get the women to give you a couple of cans, and tell four or five of the men to come along and take the seals' flesh to the village, while we three remain here fishing."

Young Broke ran off in high glee; and as the Miss Morleys came out of their cottage in the morning, he appeared with a bowl of fresh milk in his hands.

"Where have you got that, my boy?" asked Fanny.

"Please, miss, we killed some cows this morning, and I have brought it for little Bessy," answered the boy.

"Some cows!" exclaimed Mrs Twopenny, who had just joined her friends. "I had no idea there were any on the island. And could the men have been so foolish as to kill them?"

"They are not real cows, please, marm," answered young Broke, "but those fish sort of creatures. The doctor has tasted the milk, and he says it is much better than goats' milk, and will do the little girl a great deal of good. There's more than she can want, and I hope that you ladies will take the rest. I must be off again, because I have to bring some fish for Mrs Rumbelow to cook for your breakfast."

Without waiting to receive the thanks of the ladies, the lad hurried away.

Mrs Rumbelow boiled some of the seals' milk, of which there was a good supply, with sugar, in order to preserve it. So beneficial was its effect on the children, with the assistance of the fish, that the doctor was now able to commence his proposed exploring expedition. He and Captain Twopenny, carrying their guns, set out at daybreak the next morning, accompanied by Willy and Peter, with axes in their belts, and Tom Wall and Dick Sharp, the two latter taking their clubs to do battle with any seals they might encounter. The doctor had also a wooden spade with a sharp point which he had manufactured, and carried like a sword by a belt round his waist. Willy had a similar implement, which he had made after the doctor's model.

"If I mistake not, Dicey, we shall find our tools of as much value as our guns," observed the doctor. "By their means we may discover the treasures hidden beneath the soil, and which we can at all times obtain; whereas the birds may fly away, and the beasts, if any exist besides seals, may not always be found."

The explorers soon began to climb the steep sides of a mountain which rose beyond the harbour. "Why, surely this country must be inhabited," exclaimed Willy, as they got into a pathway which led up the mountain.

"It is very evident that such is the case, but we have already made acquaintance with the inhabitants," said the doctor. "This is a seals'-track; and, see, there are others leading up from the water. The creatures are fond of travelling inland, though I should not have supposed they would have made their way up the mountains."

They followed the track for a considerable distance, and still it continued, till they calculated that they were at least four miles from the shore. They were struck by the evergreen appearance of the trees and the herbage generally. Some of the trees were in blossom.

"Here, here," cried Willy. "Look at these red berries. They seem quite ripe, and I saw several birds perched on the tree eating them."

The doctor hastened up, and nibbled one of the berries in a cautious manner, to ascertain its nature.

"Ah, yes, a subacid flavour; they are wholesome, I should think. Peter, just eat a handful, and we will judge whether or not they are poisonous."

"But suppose they prove the latter?" asked Peter.

"Why, then you will have the honour of suffering for the benefit of science," answered the doctor, laughing. "But you need not be alarmed; I will set you an example."

The doctor tasted another berry. Peter then ate nearly a handful, acknowledging that, though the flavour was pleasant, they were very acid.

"We will mark the spot," said the doctor, "and on our way back carry a load down to Mrs Rumbelow to preserve."

"But where is the sugar to come from, doctor?" asked Willy; "we have but a small stock remaining."

"Perhaps we may find some on our journey," said the doctor. "Numerous roots possess saccharine qualities, and from the flavour of one I dug up just now I have hopes that we may manufacture sugar from it. At all events, it will form a valuable addition to our daily fare. What do you think of this?" The doctor produced a good-sized root, which resembled, on being cut open, something between a potato and a turnip, but of rather a drier character than either. "This will serve us for bread, if we cannot find anything better;" and the doctor tasted it two or three times.

"Yes, there is an abundance of saccharine in it," he observed, "and I have little doubt also that we can manufacture beer from it, which will suit the tastes of the men better than cold water, and serve instead of tea for all of us when our store runs short. If we find nothing else during our expedition, we should be well satisfied. But remember that, however insignificant a plant may look, we should examine it thoroughly to ascertain its character."

"I have seen plenty of those leaves at no great distance from the village," said Peter Patch; "but I had no idea that there were roots under them."

"Ah! so much the better; we shall have a supply of food at our doors, and when we return you shall go out and dig them up, Peter," said the doctor, who perhaps, rather doubted the correctness of the midshipman's assertion.

Willy and Peter in their eagerness frequently went ahead of the rest of the party. The latter was a little in advance of his companion, when he uttered a loud cry. "Oh! there is another of those horrid brutes." At that instant a fierce bellow was heard, and a huge tiger bull-seal started up and gazed fiercely at the midshipmen. They grasped their axes to attack the seal; but the animal, rushing forward, warned them that "discretion was the best part of valour." With such short weapons they could not hope to strike it without the risk of being seized by its formidable tusks.

"Run, Dicey, run," cried Peter; and Willy, brave as he was, felt that it was prudent to follow Peter's example. The seal came after them at full speed, bellowing loudly. His voice and their shouts brought the seamen to their assistance; but the animal, seeing fresh foes in front, turned aside, and before the men could reach it, dashed at a rapid rate through the bush.

The doctor and captain now joined the chase, and away they all went, the seal bellowing and the men shouting and laughing. The doctor, who was not so active as the rest of the party, was soon distanced. The captain in vain attempted to get a shot at the animal's head; he knew that a wound in any other part of the body would produce no effect. On went the seal, down the side of the mountain, following a well-marked track. "Where he goes we can follow," cried Willy; "come on, come on." The seal soon showed that he could not only run for a short distance faster than they could, but that he could keep at the same speed for a longer time.

"This beats coursing," cried Peter Patch. "The creature will give us as good a chase as a hare. If we had but some dogs it would be fine fun. We must have run a couple of miles already."

"We may have to run a couple more before we catch him," said Willy, "and it won't do to give it up."

They were approaching the shore, or, rather, the head of a gulf which ran up from it. Should the seal reach the water he would be lost. The party doubled their speed, when the animal, then about fifty yards ahead, suddenly disappeared. Willy and Peter could with difficulty stop, and save themselves from falling into a deep narrow gully with perpendicular sides which appeared before them. They leaned over the edge. It was thirty or forty feet deep, a stream of water running at the bottom. Had they gone over, they would probably have broken their necks.

"He will escape by the end of the gully," cried Willy. "Sharp and Wall, run round to the beach and try and stop him."

The men did as they were directed; while Willy and Peter scrambled down with the assistance of some bushes which grew in the sides to the bottom of the gully. On making their way towards the sea, they found that the gully was arched over, and they now entered a spacious cavern, down the centre of which the stream made its way. It was separated into two parts by the stream; each part was about fifty feet long and fully twenty wide, while the roof appeared to be nearly thirty feet above their heads. A flood of light came through a round hole in the centre of the roof, and enabled them to survey the cavern. The walls and ground were perfectly dry, and they agreed that it would not be a bad place to live in, provided the wind did not set through it. As they were proceeding on, they heard the captain's voice shouting to them, he wondering where they had got to. Looking up, they caught sight of his head appearing through the hole.

"Here we are, all right," said Willy.

"Why, boys, how could you get down there?"

Willy told him.

"What has become of the seal?" asked the captain.

"I suppose he is somewhere not far off, if he hasn't reached the sea," answered Peter. "Yes, sure enough, and there he comes."

The seal at that moment appeared, rushing back, having encountered the men at the outlet.

"Run, Dicey, run," cried Peter, "or he'll be upon us."

The midshipmen were caught in a trap. It was more easy to climb down the side of the gully than to get up again. The monster came rushing towards them with open mouth. Willy this time determined not to fly, but, flourishing his axe, stood on the defensive. The consequences might have been serious had not the captain, getting sight of the animal at that moment, fired. The bullet struck it on the head, and though it did not stop its course altogether, Willy was enabled to spring out of its way, and Tom and Dick, coming up, despatched it with their clubs. As no seals had been killed for several days, the meat was very acceptable.

"We may have some seal-steaks for dinner, at all events," said Peter, as the men prepared to cut up the animal.

Having performed their task, they were directed to carry the remainder of the seal's flesh to the village, while the captain and midshipmen, with a good supply of steaks, made their way up the side of the mountain. Following the seal-track, they at length found the doctor, who was sitting down, waiting their return.

"See, our island produces one species of ferae which I did not expect to find," he exclaimed, holding up an animal by the legs.

"Why, it's a cat," cried Willy.

"Exactly so," said the doctor. "Our feathered friends will be much obliged to me for killing it. Should these creatures increase and multiply, they will in time nearly depopulate the island of its most attractive inhabitants."

The explorers now proceeded onwards for some way over very rough and uneven ground. As they were anxious to obtain a view of the whole island, they climbed to the highest point in sight, which the doctor calculated was about a thousand feet above the sea. Hence they could look around in all directions. On every side appeared rocky and barren heights, thrown up into all possible variety of shapes, while beyond was the ocean, now blue and calm, and shining in the rays of the bright sun. The cold, however, was considerable, and all the places usually rendered soft by springs were frozen hard. This enabled them to proceed over spots they could not otherwise have crossed.

The scene was full of wild and rugged grandeur. Here and there perpendicular precipices and chasms, several hundred feet in depth, were visible, while the summit of the central mountain was crowned by a ridge of rock, which, from its appearance at a distance, they called the Giant's Coffin.

As the atmosphere was remarkably clear, the whole group could be seen, extending for about thirty-five miles in length from north to south, and fifteen miles at the broadest part from east to west. Several deep indentations forming harbours were observed, while a number of reefs, over which, even on that calm day, the surf broke violently, extended from the shore to a distance of ten miles. In the far north an island of some size could be seen, while several smaller islands appeared close to the rocky coast. The shores everywhere appeared clothed with scrub and stunted timber, but on some of the hills the trees were of respectable height and size.

"See," cried Willy, pointing to the north-east. "Is that smoke? Can it be a burning mountain?"

All the party looked, and though their eyes were not so keen as Willy's, they also distinguished a thick wreath of smoke ascending in the clear air. Though it was at a considerable distance off, yet, eager to ascertain its cause, they determined to make their way towards it. After descending the mountain for some time, hunger compelled them to stop, as they had eaten nothing since daybreak. A fire was soon lighted, and their seal-steaks were soon spitted on sticks before it; while the doctor, after scraping several of the roots which he had just discovered, put them into the hot ashes. On being raked out, they were found to be tolerably well done, though somewhat hard and dry; but to people who had eaten neither bread nor vegetables for many weeks they were very welcome.

"We shall find a better way of cooking them by-and-by," observed the doctor. "We will try how they answer scraped or pounded; and though they may not be very palatable, they will assist materially in keeping us in health. Well, Peter, do you feel any uncomfortable sensations."

"I hope not," answered the midshipman, surprised at the question.

"We may then venture to make our desert on the berries," said the doctor, laughing. "We are much obliged to you for having proved them not to be poisonous, but I had my doubts, I confess."

"What a shame!" cried Peter. "Suppose I had died, what would you have said?"

"Oh, there was no fear of that," answered the doctor. "In case of accidents I brought some antidotes in my pocket, and should soon have got you round again."

"The next time, please make your experiments on Dicey," cried Peter. "It is not fair that I should be the only one to run the risk of being poisoned. Suppose your antidotes had failed?"

"The doctor fixed on you, Peter, as the least likely to be missed of the party," said Willy. "You know you have never done anything for the common good." Peter had, in truth, generally preferred wandering about the harbour, and scrambling over the rocks, to working.

"But I found the roots, and could have got any quantity," he exclaimed.

"Yes, but you dug none up, and told no one of them," rejoined Willy.

"Well, you shall see that I can be of as much use as you are, Master Dicey," exclaimed Peter, bristling up.

"Come, boys, no quarrelling," cried the doctor. "It's time we were moving."

Refreshed by their frugal repast, the explorers proceeded on their way. They found the road far more difficult than they had expected, and soon came to the edge of a steep precipice, down which it was impossible to get; and they had, therefore, to scramble a mile or more before they found a practicable path into the valley. They went along it for a considerable distance, hoping to be able to climb up the cliff; but the sides were perfectly perpendicular, and at last they determined to turn back and make their way by the shore. Just then Willy, who had run on ahead, shouted out, "I see a break in the cliff, and very possibly we may get up by it." His advice was followed, and assisting each other, they succeeded at length in reaching the higher ground. Another high and steep hill appeared before them; but they, hoping to find the ground beyond more easy for travelling over, commenced the ascent. It was, however, steep and difficult, and in some places they came to perpendicular precipices, down which a fall would have proved fatal to any one who had happened to slip.

They had got about halfway down the mountain when a thick mist was seen sweeping over the sea from the southward. It came on so rapidly that before they could decide what path to follow they were entirely enveloped in it. They could now only venture to move with the greatest caution; any moment they might arrive at the edge of some frightful precipice similar to those they had before passed. Anxious, however, to escape the cold and damp to which they were exposed on the mountain side, they descended by the only practicable route they could find. The mist every instant grew thicker, and the short day was drawing to a close. In what direction they were going they could not with any certainty tell. At last the captain declared that he would proceed no further. The doctor agreed with him. Just then they saw before them the edge of the forest, which reached up the mountain side to a considerable distance from the shore. They agreed that it would be wise to camp here for the night; and while Willy and Peter cut down some boughs to form a hut, and wood for fuel, the doctor and the captain endeavoured to shoot a few birds for supper. They could hear them singing in the woods in great numbers, but the mist shrouded them from their view till they were close upon them. The birds were, however, so tame that they succeeded in killing a few; and these, with some of the roots which the doctor dug up close at hand, gave them a sufficient meal.

As night came on, they made up their fire and crept into their leafy bower for shelter.

"I suppose, doctor, we ought, to keep watch," said Willy. "We may have a big tiger-seal poking his nose in among us, or there may be other wild beasts, though we have not seen them."

The doctor agreed to the wisdom of this, and when supper was over they drew lots as to who should keep the first watch. It fell upon Willy. After they had sat up some time, the rest of the party went to sleep. Willy had some difficulty in performing his duty, but by running out every now and then to throw a log on the fire he managed to keep his eyes open. As he did so on one occasion, he saw an animal scamper by him. "It looked very like a wolf," he said to himself. He got the doctor's gun to have a shot at it, should it again appear. There was no use, he thought, in waking up his companions. In a short time afterwards he heard a loud bark. He listened. The bark was repeated. "Why, it's a dog. I wonder if there are people in the neighbourhood," he said to himself. "If there are, they will find us out; but they are not likely to be otherwise than friendly. However, when I call the captain I'll tell him to keep a sharp lookout." When at length his watch was over, he roused up Captain Twopenny and told him what had occurred.

"Perhaps there may be natives on the island, after all," observed the captain. "Depend upon it, I will not be taken by surprise."

Willy, who was longing to go to sleep, lay down, and before another minute had passed was far away in the land of dreams. He was awoke by Peter Patch, who had had the last watch. Daylight was already breaking; the dogs had been heard barking during the night, and Peter said he had seen two or three creatures, which seemed from their movements to be like cats, stealing by; but each time, before he could get a shot, they had disappeared. Nothing else had occurred.

As the sun rose the mist cleared off; and as soon as they had breakfasted the doctor proposed that they should once more climb the mountain, in order to ascertain what direction to take. They had not gone far when some footmarks were observed on the soft ground over which they were crossing. The doctor examined them. "Hogs," he exclaimed. "We shall have pork for dinner soon, I hope. They, at all events, are always in season, and will not take their departure like the seals and wild-fowl. We shall not starve here if like wise men we exert our wits. Cats and dogs may serve us at a pinch; I prefer bacon. Captain, I daresay you will manage to shoot a porker before long."

This discovery put the whole party in spirits, the doctor was so positive about the matter. Willy had gone on as usual some way ahead, when, looking out in the direction the smoke had been seen, he caught sight of a large vessel hove to close to the shore. He could scarcely believe his eyes. He rubbed them again and again. There was no doubt about it. He waved to his companions, who made their way up to the rock on which he was standing. He pointed in the direction of the vessel.

"She is a long way off from this," observed the doctor, after looking at her for some moments. "We must get down to the beach as fast as we can."

"What has brought her in here, I wonder?" said Captain Twopenny.

"Probably the smoke we saw yesterday may have something to do with the matter," observed the doctor. "At all events, there is no time to be lost."

He gazed as he spoke over the intervening country. There were deep valleys to be passed, and steep hills, with rugged rocks and precipices, to be scaled. Having taken the bearings of the vessel, they set out. They first had to descend the mountain side. They soon came to a soft boggy ground, and were obliged to make a wide circuit to avoid it. Not without considerable difficulty did they at length reach the bottom of the valley. A stream was to be crossed; they waded through it, regardless of the cold. Now they came to a precipice. Considerable time was spent before they could find a way to the top. Then they were involved in a labyrinth of huge rugged rocks. The sun shining brightly enabled them to keep a tolerably correct course, otherwise it would have been difficult to determine in what direction they were going. On and on they went. The hope of obtaining relief for themselves and their friends kept up their spirits; but Peter Patch at length cried out that he could go no further. They had brought some baked roots and cooked wild-fowl with them. A stream which came trickling down the side of the hill afforded a refreshing draught of water. They would not stop to light a fire, but, taking a hurried meal, again pushed on. The doctor himself confessed that he was beginning to get knocked up; still they thought that they must soon reach a height from which they could make a signal to the ship. For the last hour or more, however, they had been unable to get sight of her.

"Had she been at anchor, I should have had more hopes of doing so," said the doctor; "but still we must not despair."

"That's the hill," cried Willy; "I know it by its shape. If we can get to the top of it we shall reach the shore in a short time."

The rest of the party thought Willy was right, and thus encouraged, made their way with renewed ardour. The summit of the hill was free of trees. They gained it at length. Willy was the first to reach the top. A cry escaped him. "She is gone! she is gone!" he exclaimed. He waved his cap frantically; he shouted as if his voice could reach across the intervening ocean. The rest soon joined him. A ship under all sail was standing away with a fresh breeze from the land, from which she was already some three miles distant.

"The smoke of a fire might still attract the attention of those on board," said the doctor. Willy and Peter ran down the hill, and began hewing away at the driest bushes they could find. A fire was soon lighted. More bushes were brought; a thick column of smoke ascended in the air. How eagerly they gazed at the receding ship. Still she stood on. No attention was paid to their signal.

"They either do not see it, or think that it is the result of accident," observed the doctor.

More bushes were thrown on the fire, and then they hurried down the hill.

"Perhaps she may be a sealer, and landed some of the crew to catch seals from the shore. If so, she may return," remarked the captain.

"She does not look like one," said Willy.

The bottom of the hill was reached. They made their way along the beach. In a sheltered spot a hut was seen. It was rudely constructed from the wreck of a vessel. Outside there were the ashes of a fire still smouldering; within were several bedplaces covered with leaves. Other signs showed that it had been lately occupied. Whoever the people were, they had just been taken off by the ship,--probably part of the crew of some vessel wrecked on the shore. They looked about in the neighbourhood, and discovered six or seven mounds which had the appearance of graves.

"Well, my friends, I am very glad that the poor fellows, whoever they were, got away; and for ourselves, we are not worse off than we should have been had we not discovered them," observed the philosophical doctor. "Don't let us be cast down. If one vessel comes, so may another; and next time we may be more fortunate. And now I advise that without loss of time we make the best of our way back to the settlement."

As the shore appeared for some distance tolerably free of rocks, they agreed to keep along it till compelled by the rising tide to take their way over higher ground. Still, as they walked along they could not help every now and then turning round to watch the receding ship. Gradually her hull disappeared, her courses sank beneath the horizon, the topsails followed, and then Willy alone could discern a small dark speck, which soon faded from view. He heaved a sigh. "I should like to have sent home news, at all events, that I was safe, and perhaps Charles and the girls may by this time have reached New Zealand. They will be very sorry when they hear that the ship has been lost, and of course they will think that I was lost in her." Willy seldom allowed himself to give way to thoughts like these.

The doctor was very anxious to get back that night; so, although pretty well knocked up himself, he urged his companions to proceed as fast as they were able. For several miles they continued along the beach, occasionally having to climb over high ledges of rocks which jutted out into the water, or to go round bays or small inlets. Still, after the experience they had had of the interior of the island, they considered that this road was less fatiguing than the way they had come. Seeing a succession of rocks running out into the ocean, they were at length about to strike across the country, when a small hut was discovered at the head of a little bay just below them.

"Why, perhaps, after all, there are human beings besides ourselves on the island," exclaimed Willy.

"If such is the case, we will make their acquaintance," observed the doctor, and they descended into the bay. They hurried towards the hut. On reaching the entrance, even the doctor started back. Part of the roof had been blown off, allowing the light to strike down into the interior. On a rude bed, raised a couple of feet from the ground, lay the body of a man. He was fully clothed, but the eyeless skull and parchment-like cheeks showed that he had been long dead. He was dressed as a seaman. A sou'-wester was on his head, and a woollen muffler round his neck, while a blue serge vest and a dark jacket and trousers clothed his body. Several pairs of woollen socks and stockings were on his feet, one of which was tied up with rags, as if it had received some injury. His legs were crossed, and the arms and fingers stretched out straight on either side. Had it not been for the light which struck down on the head, the body lay in so natural a position that the man might have been supposed to be asleep. Close by was a small heap of limpet and mussel shells, and within his reach were two bottles--one was empty, but the other was full of water. Another object attracted their attention. It was a piece of slate, on which were scratched several zigzag marks, which had apparently been formed by the hand of the dying man, who had probably in his last moments attempted to write his name and give some account of his sad history.

The doctor, after examining the body for some minutes, observed, "He has died of hunger, poor fellow. Probably he belonged to the crew of some hapless vessel wrecked near this, the survivors of whom were taken off by the ship we saw this morning. Poor fellow, we must come back and bury him another day, but we must delay no longer."

The sad spectacle they had just witnessed made the explorers turn their thoughts from themselves.

They pushed on as fast as they could go, but were often nearly dropping with fatigue. Marshes had to be passed, and frequently they were plunging across boggy ground, running the risk every instant of sticking or sinking beneath it; several streams were forded, and rugged heights climbed similar to those they had traversed on the previous day.

Just before sunset they stopped to dig a quantity of roots, which the doctor was anxious to carry with him, while Captain Twopenny shot several birds. While Willy was hunting about, he heard a low clattering sound. Searching more narrowly, he found in a small bush a large nest with five young birds. "Here, here," he cried to Peter, who ran up. "Why, I do believe they are parrots. They are nearly fledged. How delighted the Miss Morleys will be to have them."

"But how can we carry them?" said Peter.

"See, I will tie them up in my handkerchief, and sling them round my neck," said Willy, securing the nest as he proposed. The young parrots were, as may be supposed, a constant care to him for the rest of the journey. Peter every now and then looked into the handkerchief as it hung at his back, declaring that the birds were getting on very well, only opening their mouths as if they wanted to be fed. They seemed to like the berries which had been found, and meeting with another bush, Peter collected a supply to feed them with.

At length it grew so dark that they could with difficulty see their way. They were about to encamp, when Willy caught sight of the lights in the village, far below them. Just then they got into a seal-track, along which they proceeded.

"Look out, Peter, lest we should find a lion in the path," said Willy. He had scarcely spoken when a bellow was heard close to them. It was repeated in all directions.

"I don't quite like it," exclaimed Peter. "Can those horrible noises really be made only by seals?"

"No doubt about that," said the doctor. "They are not likely to attack us, and the best thing we can do is to push on."

To those not aware of the cause, the loud bellows which resounded through the woods would have indeed seemed terrific. Once or twice one of the monsters was seen scrambling among the bushes, but was soon out of sight, and none appeared to be combatively disposed.

At length the lower ground was reached, and in a short time they were welcomed by their friends at the village.

Harry Shafto was especially thankful when he received the report of the doctor; and it was arranged that the next morning, as soon as some more spades could be manufactured, a party should set out to dig roots, while Captain Twopenny volunteered to lead another in search of hogs.

"At all events, I trust we need have no fear of dying of starvation," Harry remarked in a tone which showed the relief he felt. "Had it not been for you, doctor, however, I confess we should have been badly off."

Willy awoke at early dawn to feed his parrots, which were chattering away at his ear. As soon as breakfast was over, he took them up to the Miss Morleys. "I have brought an addition to your menagerie," he said, exhibiting his prizes; "but as they are nearly fledged, you must find some means of preventing them from flying away."

"Oh, I hope we may tame them sufficiently to make them wish to stay with us," said Emma. "What pretty little lively creatures. We are so much obliged to you, Mr Dicey."

"Perhaps Mrs Twopenny would like to have one," said Fanny. "And do you not wish to retain one yourself?"

"I am afraid that I should not have time to attend to it," said Willy. "But I will take one to Mrs Twopenny; and if you will bring up one for me, I should like to carry it home with me for my sisters." Mrs Morley, who heard the remark, smiled faintly. She was thinking, perhaps, of the little probability there was of their ever returning to the shores of England. _

Read next: Chapter 15. A Ship!

Read previous: Chapter 13. An Invasion Of Seals

Table of content of Voyages of the Ranger and Crusader, and what befell their Passengers & Crews


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