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She, a novel by H. Rider Haggard


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_ On the day following this remarkable scene--a scene calculated to make
a deep impression upon anybody who beheld it, more because of what it
suggested and seemed to foreshadow than of what it revealed--it was
announced to us that a feast would be held that evening in our honour.
I did my best to get out of it, saying that we were modest people, and
cared little for feasts, but my remarks being received with the
silence of displeasure, I thought it wisest to hold my tongue.

Accordingly, just before sundown, I was informed that everything was
ready, and, accompanied by Job, went into the cave, where I met Leo,
who was, as usual, followed by Ustane. These two had been out walking
somewhere, and knew nothing of the projected festivity till that
moment. When Ustane heard of it I saw an expression of horror spring
up upon her handsome features. Turning she caught a man who was
passing up the cave by the arm, and asked him something in an
imperious tone. His answer seemed to reassure her a little, for she
looked relieved, though far from satisfied. Next she appeared to
attempt some remonstrance with the man, who was a person in authority,
but he spoke angrily to her, and shook her off, and then, changing his
mind, led her by the arm, and sat her down between himself and another
man in the circle round the fire, and I perceived that for some reason
of her own she thought it best to submit.

The fire in the cave was an unusually big one that night, and in a
large circle round it were gathered about thirty-five men and two
women, Ustane and the woman to avoid whom Job had played the /rôle/ of
another Scriptural character. The men were sitting in perfect silence,
as was their custom, each with his great spear stuck upright behind
him, in a socket cut in the rock for that purpose. Only one or two
wore the yellowish linen garment of which I have spoken, the rest had
nothing on except the leopard's skin about the middle.

"What's up now, sir," said Job, doubtfully. "Bless us and save us,
there's that woman again. Now, surely, she can't be after me, seeing
that I have given her no encouragement. They give me the creeps, the
whole lot of them, and that's a fact. Why look, they have asked
Mahomed to dine, too. There, that lady of mine is talking to him in as
nice and civil a way as possible. Well, I'm glad it isn't me, that's

We looked up, and sure enough the woman in question had risen, and was
escorting the wretched Mahomed from his corner, where, overcome by
some acute prescience of horror, he had been seated, shivering, and
calling on Allah. He appeared unwilling enough to come, if for no
other reason perhaps because it was an unaccustomed honour, for
hitherto his food had been given to him apart. Anyway I could see that
he was in a state of great terror, for his tottering legs would
scarcely support his stout, bulky form, and I think it was rather
owing to the resources of barbarism behind him, in the shape of a huge
Amahagger with a proportionately huge spear, than to the seductions of
the lady who led him by the hand, that he consented to come at all.

"Well," I said to the others, "I don't at all like the look of things,
but I suppose we must face it out. Have you fellows got your revolvers
on? because, if so, you had better see that they are loaded."

"I have, sir," said Job, tapping his Colt, "but Mr. Leo has only got
his hunting knife, though that is big enough, surely."

Feeling that it would not do to wait while the missing weapon was
fetched, we advanced boldly, and seated ourselves in a line, with our
backs against the side of the cave.

As soon as we were seated, an earthenware jar was passed round
containing a fermented fluid, of by no means unpleasant taste, though
apt to turn upon the stomach, made from crushed grain--not Indian
corn, but a small brown grain that grows upon its stem in clusters,
not unlike that which in the southern part of Africa is known by the
name of Kafir corn. The vase which contained this liquor was very
curious, and as it more or less resembled many hundreds of others in
use among the Amahagger I may as well describe it. These vases are of
a very ancient manufacture, and of all sizes. None such can have been
made in the country for hundreds, or rather thousands, of years. They
are found in the rock tombs, of which I shall give a description in
their proper place, and my own belief is that, after the fashion of
the Egyptians, with whom the former inhabitants of this country may
have had some connection, they were used to receive the viscera of the
dead. Leo, however, is of opinion that, as in the case of Etruscan
amphoræ, they were placed there for the spiritual use of the deceased.
They are mostly two-handled, and of all sizes, some being nearly three
feet in height, and running from that down to as many inches. In shape
they vary, but all are exceedingly beautiful and graceful, being made
of a very fine black ware, not lustrous, but slightly rough. On this
groundwork are inlaid figures much more graceful and lifelike than any
others that I have seen on antique vases. Some of these inlaid
pictures represent love-scenes with a childlike simplicity and freedom
of manner which would not commend itself to the taste of the present
day. Others again give pictures of maidens dancing, and yet others of
hunting-scenes. For instance, the very vase from which we were then
drinking had on one side a most spirited drawing of men, apparently
white in colour, attacking a bull-elephant with spears, while on the
reverse was a picture, not quite so well done, of a hunter shooting an
arrow at a running antelope, I should say from the look of it either
an eland or a koodoo.

This is a digression at a critical moment, but it is not too long for
the occasion, for the occasion itself was very long. With the
exception of the periodical passing of the vase, and the movement
necessary to throw fuel on to the fire, nothing happened for the best
part of a whole hour. Nobody spoke a word. There we all sat in perfect
silence, staring at the glare and glow of the large fire, and at the
shadows thrown by the flickering earthenware lamps (which, by the way,
were not ancient). On the open space between us and the fire lay a
large wooden tray, with four short handles to it, exactly like a
butcher's tray, only not hollowed out. By the side of the tray was a
great pair of long-handled iron pincers, and on the other side of the
fire was a similar pair. Somehow I did not at all like the appearance
of this tray and the accompanying pincers. There I sat and stared at
them and at the silent circle of the fierce moody faces of the men,
and reflected that it was all very awful, and that we were absolutely
in the power of this alarming people, who, to me at any rate, were all
the more formidable because their true character was still very much
of a mystery to us. They might be better than I thought them, or they
might be worse. I feared that they were worse, and I was not wrong. It
was a curious sort of a feast, I reflected, in appearance indeed, an
entertainment of the Barmecide stamp, for there was absolutely nothing
to eat.

At last, just as I was beginning to feel as though I were being
mesmerised, a move was made. Without the slightest warning, a man from
the other side of the circle called out in a loud voice--

"Where is the flesh that we shall eat?"

Thereon everybody in the circle answered in a deep measured tone, and
stretching out the right arm towards the fire as he spoke--

"/The flesh will come./"

"Is it a goat?" said the same man.

"/It is a goat without horns, and more than a goat, and we shall slay
it,/" they answered with one voice, and turning half round they one
and all grasped the handles of their spears with the right hand, and
then simultaneously let them go.

"Is it an ox?" said the man again.

"/It is an ox without horns, and more than an ox, and we shall slay
it,/" was the answer, and again the spears were grasped, and again let

Then came a pause, and I noticed, with horror and a rising of the
hair, that the woman next to Mahomed began to fondle him, patting his
cheeks and calling him by names of endearment while her fierce eyes
played up and down his trembling form. I do not know why the sight
frightened me so, but it did frighten us all dreadfully, especially
Leo. The caressing was so snake-like, and so evidently a part of some
ghastly formula that had to be gone through.[*] I saw Mahomed turn
white under his brown skin, sickly white with fear.

[*] We afterwards learnt that its object was to pretend to the victim
that he was the object of love and admiration, and so to sooth his
injured feelings, and cause him to expire in a happy and contented
frame of mind.--L. H. H.

"Is the meat ready to be cooked?" asked the voice, more rapidly.

"/It is ready; it is ready./"

"Is the pot hot to cook it?" it continued, in a sort of scream that
echoed painfully down the great recesses of the cave.

"/It is hot; it is hot./"

"Great heavens!" roared Leo, "remember the writing, '/The people who
place pots upon the heads of strangers./'"

As he said the words, before we could stir, or even take the matter
in, two great ruffians jumped up, and, seizing the long pincers,
thrust them into the heart of the fire, and the woman who had been
caressing Mahomed suddenly produced a fibre noose from under her
girdle or moocha, and, slipping it over his shoulders, ran it tight,
while the men next to him seized him by the legs. The two men with the
pincers gave a heave, and, scattering the fire this way and that upon
the rocky floor, lifted from it a large earthenware pot, heated to a
white heat. In an instant, almost with a single movement, they had
reached the spot where Mahomed was struggling. He fought like a fiend,
shrieking in the abandonment of his despair, and notwithstanding the
noose round him, and the efforts of the men who held his legs, the
advancing wretches were for the moment unable to accomplish their
purpose, which, horrible and incredible as it seems, was /to put the
red-hot pot upon his head/.

I sprang to my feet with a yell of horror, and drawing my revolver
fired it by a sort of instinct straight at the diabolical woman who
had been caressing Mahomed, and was now gripping him in her arms. The
bullet struck her in the back and killed her, and to this day I am
glad that it did, for, as it afterwards transpired, she had availed
herself of the anthropophagous customs of the Amahagger to organise
the whole thing in revenge of the slight put upon her by Job. She sank
down dead, and as she did so, to my terror and dismay, Mahomed, by a
superhuman effort, burst from his tormenters, and, springing high into
the air, fell dying upon her corpse. The heavy bullet from my pistol
had driven through the bodies of both, at once striking down the
murderess, and saving her victim from a death a hundred times more
horrible. It was an awful and yet a most merciful accident.

For a moment there was a silence of astonishment. The Amahagger had
never heard the report of a firearm before, and its effects dismayed
them. But the next a man close to us recovered himself, and seized his
spear preparatory to making a lunge with it at Leo, who was the
nearest to him.

"Run for it!" I shouted, setting the example by starting up the cave
as hard as my legs would carry me. I would have made for the open air
if it had been possible, but there were men in the way, and, besides,
I had caught sight of the forms of a crowd of people standing out
clear against the skyline beyond the entrance to the cave. Up the cave
I went, and after me came the others, and after them thundered the
whole crowd of cannibals, mad with fury at the death of the woman.
With a bound I cleared the prostrate form of Mahomed. As I flew over
him I felt the heat from the red-hot pot, which was lying close by,
strike upon my legs, and by its glow saw his hands--for he was not
quite dead--still feebly moving. At the top of the cave was a little
platform of rock three feet or so high by about eight deep, on which
two large lamps were placed at night. Whether this platform had been
left as a seat, or as a raised point afterwards to be cut away when it
had served its purpose as a standing place from which to carry on the
excavations, I do not know--at least, I did not then. At any rate, we
all three reached it, and, jumping on it, prepared to sell our lives
as dearly as we could. For a few seconds the crowd that was pressing
on our heels hung back when they saw us face round upon them. Job was
on one side of the rock to the left, Leo in the centre, and I to the
right. Behind us were the lamps. Leo bent forward, and looked down the
long lane of shadows, terminating in the fire and lighted lamps,
through which the quiet forms of our would-be murderers flitted to and
fro with the faint light glinting on their spears, for even their fury
was silent as a bulldog's. The only other thing visible was the red-
hot pot still glowing angrily in the gloom. There was a curious light
in Leo's eyes, and his handsome face was set like a stone. In his
right hand was his heavy hunting-knife. He shifted its thong a little
up his wrist and then put his arm round me and gave me a good hug.

"Good-bye, old fellow," he said, "my dear friend--my more than father.
We have no chance against those scoundrels; they will finish us in a
few minutes, and eat us afterwards, I suppose. Good-bye. I led you
into this. I hope you will forgive me. Good-bye, Job."

"God's will be done," I said, setting my teeth, as I prepared for the
end. At that moment, with an exclamation, Job lifted his revolver and
fired, and hit a man--not the man he had aimed at, by the way:
anything that Job shot /at/ was perfectly safe.

On they came with a rush, and I fired too as fast as I could, and
checked them--between us, Job and I, besides the woman, killed or
mortally wounded five men with our pistols before they were emptied.
But we had no time to reload, and they still came on in a way that was
almost splendid in its recklessness, seeing that they did not know but
that we could go on firing for ever.

A great fellow bounded up upon the platform, and Leo struck him dead
with one blow of his powerful arm, sending the knife right through
him. I did the same by another, but Job missed his stroke, and I saw a
brawny Amahagger grip him by the middle and whirl him off the rock.
The knife not being secured by a thong fell from Job's hand as he did
so, and, by a most happy accident for him, lit upon its handle on the
rock, just as the body of the Amahagger, who was undermost, struck
upon its point and was transfixed upon it. What happened to Job after
that I am sure I do not know, but my own impression is that he lay
still upon the corpse of his deceased assailant, "playing 'possum" as
the Americans say. As for myself, I was soon involved in a desperate
encounter with two ruffians, who, luckily for me, had left their
spears behind them; and for the first time in my life the great
physical power with which Nature has endowed me stood me in good
stead. I had hacked at the head of one man with my hunting-knife,
which was almost as big and heavy as a short sword, with such vigour,
that the sharp steel had split his skull down to the eyes, and was
held so fast by it that as he suddenly fell sideways the knife was
twisted right out of my hand.

Then it was that the two others sprang upon me. I saw them coming, and
got an arm round the waist of each, and down we all fell upon the
floor of the cave together, rolling over and over. They were strong
men, but I was mad with rage, and that awful lust for slaughter which
will creep into the hearts of the most civilised of us when blows are
flying, and life and death tremble on the turn. My arms were round the
two swarthy demons, and I hugged them till I heard their ribs crack
and crunch up beneath my grip. They twisted and writhed like snakes,
and clawed and battered at me with their fists, but I held on. Lying
on my back there, so that their bodies might protect me from spear
thrusts from above, I slowly crushed the life out of them, and as I
did so, strange as it may seem, I thought of what the amiable Head of
my College at Cambridge (who is a member of the Peace Society) and my
brother Fellows would say if by clairvoyance they could see me, of all
men, playing such a bloody game. Soon my assailants grew faint, and
almost ceased to struggle, their breath had failed them, and they were
dying, but still I dared not leave them, for they died very slowly. I
knew that if I relaxed my grip they would revive. The other ruffians
probably thought--for we were all three lying in the shadow of the
ledge--that we were all dead together, at any rate they did not
interfere with our little tragedy.

I turned my head, and as I lay gasping in the throes of that awful
struggle I could see that Leo was off the rock now, for the lamplight
fell full upon him. He was still on his feet, but in the centre of a
surging mass of struggling men, who were striving to pull him down as
wolves pull down a stag. Up above them towered his beautiful pale face
crowned with its bright curls (for Leo is six feet two high), and I
saw that he was fighting with a desperate abandonment and energy that
was at once splendid and hideous to behold. He drove his knife through
one man--they were so close to and mixed up with him that they could
not get at him to kill him with their big spears, and they had no
knives or sticks. The man fell, and then somehow the knife was
wrenched from his hand, leaving him defenceless, and I thought the end
had come. But no; with a desperate effort he broke loose from them,
seized the body of the man he had just slain, and lifting it high in
the air hurled it right at the mob of his assailants, so that the
shock and weight of it swept some five or six of them to the earth.
But in a minute they were all up again, except one, whose skull was
smashed, and had once more fastened upon him. And then slowly, and
with infinite labour and struggling, the wolves bore the lion down.
Once even then he recovered himself, and felled an Amahagger with his
fist, but it was more than man could do to hold his own for long
against so many, and at last he came crashing down upon the rock
floor, falling as an oak falls, and bearing with him to the earth all
those who clung about him. They gripped him by his arms and legs, and
then cleared off his body.

"A spear," cried a voice--"a spear to cut his throat, and a vessel to
catch his blood."

I shut my eyes, for I saw the man coming with a spear, and myself, I
could not stir to Leo's help, for I was growing weak, and the two men
on me were not yet dead, and a deadly sickness overcame me.

Then suddenly there was a disturbance, and involuntarily I opened my
eyes again, and looked towards the scene of murder. The girl Ustane
had thrown herself on Leo's prostrate form, covering his body with her
body, and fastening her arms about his neck. They tried to drag her
from him, but she twisted her legs round his, and hung on like a
bulldog, or rather like a creeper to a tree, and they could not. Then
they tried to stab him in the side without hurting her, but somehow
she shielded him, and he was only wounded.

At last they lost patience.

"Drive the spear through the man and the woman together," said a
voice, the same voice that had asked the questions at that ghastly
feast, "so of a verity shall they be wed."

Then I saw the man with the weapon straighten himself for the effort.
I saw the cold steel gleam on high, and once more I shut my eyes.

As I did so I heard the voice of a man thunder out in tones that rang
and echoed down the rocky ways--


Then I fainted, and as I did so it flashed through my darkening mind
that I was passing down into the last oblivion of death. _



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