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Under the Lilacs, a novel by Louisa May Alcott


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_ A few days later, Miss Celia was able to go
about with her arm in a sling, pale still, and
rather stiff, but so much better than any one
expected, that all agreed Mr. Paine was right in
pronouncing Dr. Mills "a master hand with broken
bones." Two devoted little maids waited on her,
two eager pages stood ready to run her errands, and
friendly neighbors sent in delicacies enough to keep
these four young persons busily employed in disposing
of them.

Every afternoon the great bamboo lounging chair
was brought out and the interesting invalid conducted
to it by stout Randa, who was head nurse, and
followed by a train of shawl, cushion, foot-stool and
book bearers, who buzzed about like swarming bees
round a new queen. When all were settled, the little
maids sewed and the pages read aloud, with much
conversation by the way; for one of the rules was,
that all should listen attentively, and if any one did
not understand what was read, he or she should ask
to have it explained on the spot. Whoever could
answer was invited to do so, and at the end of the
reading Miss Celia could ask any she liked, or add
any explanations which seemed necessary. In this
way much pleasure and profit was extracted from the
tales Ben and Thorny read, and much unexpected
knowledge as well as ignorance displayed, not to
mention piles of neatly hemmed towels for which Bab
and Betty were paid like regular sewing-women.

So vacation was not all play, and the girls found
their picnics, berry parties, and "goin' a visitin'," all
the more agreeable for the quiet hour spent with Miss
Celia. Thorny had improved wonderfully, and was
getting to be quite energetic, especially since his
sister's accident; for while she was laid up he was
the head of the house, and much enjoyed his promotion.
But Ben did not seem to flourish as he had
done at first. The loss of Sancho preyed upon him
sadly, and the longing to go and find his dog grew
into such a strong temptation that he could hardly
resist it. He said little about it; but now, and then a
word escaped him which might have enlightened any
one who chanced to be watching him. No one was,
just then, so he brooded over this fancy, day by day,
in silence and solitude, for there was no riding and
driving now. Thorny was busy with his sister trying
to show her that he remembered how good she had
been to him when he was ill, and the little girls had
their own affairs.

Miss Celia was the first to observe the change,
having nothing to do but lie on the sofa and amuse
herself by seeing others work or play. Ben was
bright enough at the readings, because theyn he forgot
his troubles; but when they were over and his various
duties done, he went to his own room or sought
consolation with Lita, being sober and quiet, and
quite unlike the merr monkey all knew and liked so

"Thorny, what is the matter with Ben?" asked Miss
Celia, one day, when she and her brother were alone
in the "green parlor," as they called the lilac-tree

"Fretting about Sanch, I suppose. I declare I
wish that dog had never been born! Losing him has
just spoilt Ben. Not a bit of fun left in him, and he
won't have any thing I offer to cheer him up."

Thorny spoke impatiently, and knit his brows over
the pressed flowers he was neatly gumming into his

"I wonder if he has any thing on his mind? He
acts as if he was hiding a trouble he didn't dare
to tell. Have you talked with him about it?" asked
Miss Celia, looking as if she was hiding a trouble she
did not like to tell.

"Oh, yes, I poke him up now and then, but he gets
peppery, so I let him alone. May be he is longing
for his old circus again. Shouldn't blame him much
if he was; it isn't very lively here, and he's used to
excitement, you know."

"I hope it isn't that. Do you think he would slip
away without telling us, and go back to the old life
"Don't believe he would. Ben isn't a bit of a
sneak; that's why I like him."

"Have you ever found him sly or untrue in any
way?" asked Miss Celia, lowering her voice.

"No; he's as fair and square a fellow as I ever saw.
Little bit low, now and then, but he doesn't mean it,
and wants to be a gentleman, only he never lived
with one before, and it's all new to him. I'll get
him polished up after a while."

"Oh, Thorny, there are three peacocks on the place,
and you are the finest! " laughed Miss Celia, as her
brother spoke in his most condescending way with
a lift of the eyebrows very droll to see.

"And two donkeys, and Ben's the biggest, not to
know when he is well off and happy!" retorted the
"gentleman," slapping a dried specimen on the page
as if he were pounding discontented Ben.

"Come here and let me tell you something which
worries me. I would not breathe it to another soul,
but I feel rather helpless, and I dare say you can
manage the matter better than I."

Looking much mystified, Thorny went and sat on
the stool at his sister's feet, while she whispered
confidentially in his ear: " I've lost some money out
of my drawer, and I'm so afraid Ben took it."

"But it's always locked up and you keep the keys
of the drawer and the little room?"

"It is gone, nevertheless, and I've had my keys
safe all the time."

"But why think it is he any more than Randa, or
Katy, or me?"

"Because I trust you three as I do myself. I've
known the girls for years, and you have no object in
taking it since all I have is yours, dear."

"And all mine is yours, of course. But, Celia, how
could he do it? He can't pick locks, I know, for we
fussed over my desk together, and had to break it
after all."

"I never really thought it possible till to-day when
you were playing ball and it went in at the upper
window, and Ben climbed up the porch after it;
you remember you said, 'If it had gone in at the
garret gable you couldn't have done that so well; '
and he answered, 'Yes, I could, there isn't a spout
I can't shin up, or a bit of this roof I haven't been

"So he did ; but there is no spout near the little
room window."

"There is a tree, and such an agile boy as Ben
could swing in and out easily. Now, Thorny, I hate
to think this of him, but it has happened twice, and
for his own sake I must stop it. If he is planning to
run away, money is a good thing to have. And he
may feel that it is his own; for you know he asked
me to put his wages in the bank, and I did. He may
not like to come to me for that, because he can give
no good reason for wanting it. I'm so troubled I
really don't know what to do."

She looked troubled, and Thorny put his arms
about her as if to keep all worries but his own away
from her.

"Don't you fret, Cely, dear; you leave it to me.
I'll fix him - ungrateful little scamp!"

"That is not the way to begin. I am afraid you
will make him angry and hurt his feelings, and then
we can do nothing."

"Bother his feelings! I shall just say, calmly and
coolly: 'Now, look here, Ben, hand over the money
you took out of my sister's drawer, and we'll let you
off easy,' or something like that."

"It wouldn't do, Thorny; his temper would be up
in a minute, and away he would go before we could
find out whether he was guilty or not. I wish I knew
how to manage."

Let me think," and Thorny leaned his chin on the
arm of the chair, staring hard at the knocker as
if he expected the lion's mouth to open with words
of counsel then and there.

"By Jove, I do believe Ben took it!" he broke
out suddenly; "for when I went to his room this
morning to see why he didn't come and do my
boots, he shut the drawer in his bureau as quick as
a flash, and looked red and queer, for I didn't knock,
and sort of startled him."

"He wouldn't be likely to put stolen money there.
Ben is too wise for that."

"He wouldn't keep it there, but he might be
looking at it and pitch it in when I called. He's
hardly spoken to me since, and when I asked him
what his flag was at half-mast for, he wouldn't answer.
Besides, you know in the reading this afternoon he
didn't listen, and when you asked what he
was thinking about, he colored up and muttered
something about Sanch. I tell you, Celia, it looks
bad -- very bad," and Thorny shook his head with a
wise air.

"It does, and yet we may be all wrong. Let us
wait a little and give the poor boy a chance to clear
himself before we speak. I'd rather lose my money
than suspect him falsely."

"How much was it?"

"Eleven dollars; a one went first, and I supposed
I'd miscalculated somewhere when I took some out;
but when I missed a ten, I felt that I ought not to let
it pass."

"Look here, sister, you just put the case into
my hands and let me work it up. I won't say any
thing to Ben till you give the word; but I'll watch
him, and now that my eyes are open, it won't be easy
to deceive me."

Thorny was evidently pleased with the new play
of detective, and intended to distinguish himself in
that line; but when Miss Celia asked how he meant
to begin, he could only respond with a blank
expression: "Don't know! You give me the keys and
leave a bill or two in the drawer, and may be I can
find him out somehow."

So the keys were given, and the little dressing-
room where the old secretary stood was closely
watched for a day or two. Ben cheered up a trifle
which looked as if he knew an eye was upon him,
but otherwise he went on as usual, and Miss Celia
feeling a little guilty at even harboring a suspicion
of him, was kind and patient with his moods.
Thorny was very funny in the unnecessary mystery
and fuss he made; his affectation of careless indifference
to Ben's movements and his clumsy attempts to
watch every one of them; his dodgings up and down
stairs, ostentatious clanking of keys, and the elaborate
traps he set to catch his thief, such as throwing his
ball in at the dressing-room window and sending Ben
up the tree to get it, which he did, thereby proving
beyond a doubt that he alone could have taken
the money, Thorny thought. Another deep discovery
was, that the old drawer was so shrunken that the
lock could be pressed down by slipping a knife-blade
between the hasp and socket.

"Now it is as clear as day, and you'd better let
me speak," he said, full of pride as well as regret at
this triumphant success of his first attempt as a

"Not yet, and you need do nothing more. I'm
afraid it was a mistake of mine to let you do this;
and if it has spoiled your friendship with Ben, I shall
be very sorry; for I do not think he is guilty,"
answered Miss Celia.

"Why not?" and Thorny looked annoyed.

"I've watched also, and he doesn't act like a
deceitful boy. To-day I asked him if he wanted any
money, or should I put what I owe him with the rest,
and he looked me straight in the face with such
honest, grateful eyes, I could not doubt him when he
said 'Keep it, please, I don't need any thing here,
you are all so good to me.'"

"Now, Celia, don't you be soft-hearted. He's a
sly little dog, and knows my eye is on him. When
I asked him what he saw in the dressing-room, after
he brought out the ball, and looked sharply at him,
he laughed, and said 'Only a mouse,' as saucy as
you please."

"Do set the trap there, I heard the mouse nibbling
last night, and it kept me awake. We must have a
cat or we shall be overrun."

"Well, shall I give Ben a good blowing up, or will
you?" asked Thorny, scorning such poor prey as
mice, and bound to prove that he was in the right.

"I'll let you know what I have decided in the
morning. Be kind to Ben, meantime, or I shall feel
as if I had done you harm by letting you watch him."

So it was left for that day, and by the next, Miss
Celia had made up her mind to speak to Ben. She
was just going down to breakfast when the sound of
loud voices made her pause and listen. It came from
Ben's room, where the two boys seemed to be disputing
about something.

"I hope Thorny has kept his promise," she
thought, and hurried through the back entry, fearing
a general explosion.

Ben's chamber was at the end, and she could see
and hear what was going on before she was near
enough to interfere. Ben stood against his closet
door looking as fierce and red as a turkey-cock;
Thorny sternly confronted him, saying in an excited
tone, and with a threatening gesture: "You are
hiding something in there, and you can't deny it."

"I don't."

"Better not; I insist on seeing it."

"Well, you won't."

"What have you been stealing now?"

"Didn't steal it, -- used to be mine, -- I only took
it when I wanted it."

"I know what that means. You'd better give it
back or I'll make you."

"Stop! " cried a third voice, as Thorny put out
his arm to clutch Ben, who looked ready to defend
himself to the last gasp, "Boys, I will settle this
affair. Is there anything hidden in the closet, Ben?
and Miss Celia came between the belligerent parties
with her one hand up to part them.

Thorny fell back at once, looking half ashamed of
his heat, and Ben briefly answered, with a gulp as if
shame or anger made it hard to speak steadily:

"Yes 'm, there is."

"Does it belong to you?"

"Yes 'm, it does."

"Where did you get it?"

"Up to Squire's."

"That's a lie!" muttered Thorny to himself.

Ben's eye flashed, and his fist doubled up in spite
of him, but he restrained himself out of respect for
Miss Celia, who looked puzzled, as she asked another
question, not quite wure how to proceed with the
investigation: "Is it money, Ben?"

"No 'm, it isn't."

"Then what can it be?"

"Meow!" answered a fourth voice from the closet;
and as Ben flung open the door a gray kitten walked
out, purring with satisfaction at her release.

Miss Celia fell into a chair and laughed till her eyes
were full; Thorny looked foolish, and Ben folded his
arms, curled up his nose, and regarded his accuser
with calm defiance, while pussy sat down to wash her
face as if her morning toilette had been interrupted
by her sudden abduction.

"That's all very well, but it doesn't mend matters
much, so you needn't laugh, Celia," began Thorny,
recovering hiniself, and stubbornly bent on sifting the
case to the bottom, now he had begun.

"Well, it would, if you'd let a feller alone. She said
she wanted a cat, so I went and got the one they gave
me when I was at the Squire's. I went early and took
her without asking, and I had a right to," explained
Ben, much aggrieved by having his surprise spoiled.

"It was very kind of you, and I'm glad to have
this nice kitty. We will shut her up in my room to
catch the mice that plague me," said Miss Celia,
picking up the little cat, and woindering how she would
get her two angry boys safely down stairs.

"The dressing-room, she means; you know the
way, and you don't need keys to get in," added
Thorny, with such sarcastic emphasis that Ben felt
some insult was intended, and promptly resented it.

" You won't get me to climb any more trees after
your balls, and my cat won't catch any of your mice,
so you needn't ask me."

"Cats don't catch thieves, and they are what I'm

"What do you mean by that?" fiercely demanded

"Celia has lost some money out of her drawer, and
you won't let me see what's in yours; So I thought,
perhaps, you'd got it!" blurted out Thorny, finding
it hard to say the words, angry as he was, for the
face opposite did not look like a guilty one.

For a minute, Ben did not seem to understand him,
plainly as he spoke; then he turned an angry scarlet,
and, with a reproachful glance at his mistress, opened
the little drawer so that both could see all that it

"They ain't any thing; but I'm fond of 'em
they are all I've got -- I was afraid he'd laugh at me
that time, so I wouldn't let him look -- it was father's
birthday, and I felt bad about him and Sanch -- "
Ben's indignant voice got more and more indistinct
as he stumbled on, and broke down over the last
words. He did not cry, however. but threw back his
little treasures as if half their sacredness was gone;
and, making a strong effort at self-control, faced
around, asking of Miss Celia, with a grieved look,

"Did you think I'd steal anything of yours?"

"I tried not to, Ben, but what could I do? It was
gone, and you the only stranger about the place."

"Wasn't there any one to think bad of but me?
he said, so sorrowfully that Miss Celia made up her
mind on the spot that he was as innocent of the theft
as the kitten now biting her buttons, no other refreshment
being offered.

"Nobody, for I know my girls well. Yet, eleven
dollars are gone, and I cannot imagine where or how
for both drawer and door are always locked, because
my papers and valuables are in that room."

"What a lot! But how could I get it if it was
locked up?" and Ben looked as if that question was

"Folks that can climb in at windows for a ball, can
go the same way for money, and get it easy enough
when they've only to pry open an old lock!"

Thorny's look and tone seemed to make plain to
Ben all that they had been suspecting, and, being
innocent, he was too perplexed and unhappy to
defend himself. His eye went from one to the other,
and, seeing doubt in both faces, his boyish heart sunk
within him; for he could prove nothing, and his first
impulse was to go away at once.

"I can't say any thing, only that I didn't take the
money. You won't believe it, so I'd better go back
where I come from. They weren't so kind, but they
trusted me, and knew I wouldn't steal a cent. You
may keep my money, and the kitty, too; I don't
want 'em," and, snatching up his hat, Ben would
gone straight away, if Thorny had not barred his

"Come, now, don't be mad. Let's talk it over,
and if I 'm wrong I'll take it all back and ask your
pardon," he said, in a friendly tone, rather scared at
the consequences of his first attempt, though as sure
as ever that he was right.

"It would break my heart to have you go in that
way, Ben. Stay at least till your innocence is proved,
then no one can doubt what you say now."

"Don't see how it can be proved," answered Ben,
appeased by her evident desire to trust him.

"We'll try as well as we know how, and the first
thing we will do is to give that old secretary a good
rummage from top to bottom. I've done it once,
but it is just possible that the bills may have slipped
out of sight. Come, now, I can't rest till I've done
all I can to comfort you and convince Thorny."
Miss Celia rose as she spoke, and led the way to the
dressing-room, which had no outlet except through
her chamber. Still holding his hat, Ben followed with
a troubled face, and Thorny brought up the rear, doggedly
determined to keep his eye on "the little
scamp" till the matter was satisfactorily cleared up.
Miss Celia had made her proposal more to soothe the
feelings of one boy and to employ the superfluous
energies of the other, than in the expectation of
throwing any light upon the mystery; for she was
sadly puzzled by Ben's manner, and much regretted
that she had let her brother meddle in the matter.

"There," she said, unlocking the door with the key
Thorny reluctantly gave up to her, "this is the room
and that is the drawer on the right. The lower ones
have seldom been opened since we came, and hold
only some of papa's old books. Those upper ones
you may turn out and investigate as much as you--
Bless me! here 's something in your trap, Thorny
and Miss Celia gave a little skip as she nearly trod
on a long, gray tall, which hung out of the bole now
filled by a plump mouse.

But her brother was intent on more serious things,
and merely pushed the trap aside as he pulled out the
drawer with an excited gesture, which sent it and all
its contents clattering to the floor.

"Confound the old thing! It always stuck so I
had to give a jerk. Now, there it is, topsy-turvy,"
and Thorny looked Much disgusted at his own

"No harm done; I left nothing of value in it.
Look back there, Ben, and see if there is room for a
paper to get worked over the top of the drawer. I
felt quite a crack, but I don't believe it is possible f6r
things to slip out; the place was never full enough to
overflow in any way."

Miss Celia spoke to Ben, who was kneeling down
to pick up the scattered papers, among which were
two marked dollar bills, -- Thorny's bait for the thief.
Ben looked into the dusty recess, and then put in his
hand, saying carelessly, -

"There's nothing but a bit of red stuff."

"My old pen-wiper -- Why, what's the matter?"
asked Miss Celia, as Ben dropped the handful Of what
looked like rubbish.

Something warm and wiggly inside of it," answered Ben,
stooping to examine the contents of
the little scarlet bundle. "Baby mice ! Ain't they
funny? Look just like mites of young pigs. We'll
have to kill 'em if you've caught their mamma," he
said, forgetting his own trials in boyish curiosity about
his "find,"

Miss Celia stooped also, and gently poked the red
cradle with her finger; for the tiny mice were
nestling deeper into the fluff with small squeals of alarm.
Suddenly she cried out: "Boys, boys, I've found the
thief! Look here; pull out these bits and see if
they won't make up my lost bills."

Down went the motherless babies as four ruthless
hands pulled apart their cosey nest, and there,
among the nibbled fragments, appeared enough
finely printed, greenish paper, to piece out parts of
two bank bills. A large cypher and part of a figure
one were visible, and that accounted for the ten; but
though there were other bits, no figures could be
found, and they were willing to take the other bill
on trust.

"Now, then, am I a thief and a liar? " demanded
Ben, pointing proudly to the tell-tale letters spread
forth on the table, over which all three had been
eagerly bending.

"No; I beg your pardon, and I'm very sorry that
we didn't look more caiefully before we spoke, then
we all should have been spared this pain."

"All right, old fellow, forgive and forget. I'll never
think hard of you again, -- on my honor I won't."

As they spoke, Miss Celia and her brother held out
their hands frankly and heartily. Ben shook both,
but with a difference; for he pressed the soft one
gratefully, remembering that its owner had always
been good to him; but the brown paw he gripped
with a vengeful squeeze that made Thorny pull it
away in a hurry, exclaiming, good-naturedly, in spite
of both physical and mental discomfort, --

"Come, Ben, don't you bear malice; for you've
got the laugh on your side, and we feel pretty small.
I do, any way; for, after my fidgets, all I've caught
is a mouse!"

"And her family. I'm so relieved I'm almost
sorry the poor little mother is dead -- she and her
babies were so happy in the old pen-wiper," said Miss
Celia, hastening to speak merrily, for Ben still looked
indignant, and she was much grieved at what had

"A pretty expensive house," began Thorny, looking
about for the interesting orphans, who had been
left on the floor while their paper-hangings were

No further anxiety need be felt for them, however;
Kitty had come upon the scene, and as judge, jury,
and prisoner, turned to find the little witnesses, they
beheld the last pink mite going down Pussy's throat
in one mouthful.

"I call that summary justice, -- the whole family
executed on the spot! Give Kit the mouse also, and
let us go to breakfast. I feel as if I had found my
appetite, now this worry is off my mind," said Miss
Celia, laughing so infectiously that Ben had to join
in spite of himself, as she took his arm and led him
away with a look which mutely asked his pardon over again.

"Rather lively for a funeral procession," said
Thorny, following with the trap in his hand and Puss
at his heels, adding, to comfort his pride as a detective:

"Well, I said I'd catch the thief, and I have,
though it is rather a small one!" _


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