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Poems by Paul Bewsher


Bewsher, Paul

o Autumn Regrets from "The Dawn Patrol, and other poems of an aviator"

o Chelsea from "The Dawn Patrol, and other poems of an aviator"

o Cloud Thoughts from "The Dawn Patrol, and other poems of an aviator"

o Clouds from "The Dawn Patrol, and other poems of an aviator"

o Country Beautiful, The from "The Dawn Patrol, and other poems of an aviator"

o Crash, The from "The Dawn Patrol, and other poems of an aviator"

o Dawn Patrol, The from "The Dawn Patrol, and other poems of an aviator"

o Despair from "The Dawn Patrol, and other poems of an aviator"

o Dreams Of Autumn from "The Dawn Patrol, and other poems of an aviator"

o Fallen Leaf, A from "The Dawn Patrol, and other poems of an aviator"

o Fringe Of Heaven, The from "The Dawn Patrol, and other poems of an aviator"

o Horrors Of Flying, The from "The Dawn Patrol, and other poems of an aviator"

o Islington from "The Dawn Patrol, and other poems of an aviator"

o Joy Of Flying, The from "The Dawn Patrol, and other poems of an aviator"

o K.L.H. Died of Wounds Received at the Dardanelles from "The Dawn Patrol, and other poems of an aviator"

o London In May from "The Dawn Patrol, and other poems of an aviator"

o Night Raid, The from "The Dawn Patrol, and other poems of an aviator"

o Star, The from "The Dawn Patrol, and other poems of an aviator"

o Three Triolets from "The Dawn Patrol, and other poems of an aviator"

o To Carlton Berry, Killed in an Aeroplane Accident, July, 1916 from "The Dawn Patrol, and other poems of an aviator"

o To Hilda: from "The Dawn Patrol, and other poems of an aviator"