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The Pot Boiler: A Comedy in Four Acts, a play by Upton Sinclair

Act 4

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[_(SCENE--The attic, the following afternoon. Scene of the Play-play is the drawing room, as in Act I._]

_At rise: The Real-play, showing Will busy working on his Mss., Left. Peggy Right, putting Bill to sleep._

_Peggy._ Now, Mr. Bill, you're going to have a nice nap.

_Bill._ I feel better.

_Peggy._ I'm so glad to hear it. And Will's most through with his play, and then he'll take you to the park.

_Bill._ Say, Peggy!

_Peggy._ Now, go to sleep.

_Bill._ But say!

_Peggy._ Well?

_Bill._ I think I'm hungry.

_Peggy._ There's nothing in the house, dear.

_Bill._ No bread, Peggy?

_Peggy._ No, but we'll get some when you wake up. _(Goes Left and sits by Will. Silence, while he works over papers. He is pale and haggard; she watches him anxiously.)_

_Will. (Leans on hands.)_ Oh, dear.

_Peggy._ Tired, Will?

_Will._ I'm getting a beastly headache.

_Peggy._ Will, you know you oughtn't to work when your stomach has quit like this.

_Will._ Hang my stomach!

_Peggy._ But, dear--

_Will._ Why do authors have to have stomachs? They're never of any use.

_Peggy._ Listen, Will. You can't do good work when you're so tired.

_Will._ I can do good work! You'll see it's good. I've nearly finished the fourth act now. Come, read it--and forget about my stomach. _(She moves over to him. The Play-play begins to appear.)_ The scene is Dad's drawing-room again. Jessie is there; she's worrying about Jack, and Bob is trying to comfort her. _(Full light on Play-play.)_

_Bob._ He's all right, Jessie. Anybody'd think he'd gone to war!

_Jessie._ He was never away for so long before.

_Bob._ Don't I seem a fairly healthy specimen, Jessie?

_Jessie._ I suppose so, Bob.

_Bob._ Well, I've done what he's doing. I've done it for a year. And I survived.

_Jessie._ But you knew how, Bob.

_Bob._ I didn't when I started.

_Jessie._ It snowed last night; I lay awake till daybreak worrying about him.

_Bob._ My dear girl, men have got snow on their clothes before this.

_Jessie._ He's been gone a month!

_Bob._ Listen, Jessie! You know there's misery and suffering in the world, don't you?

_Jessie._ Yes, I suppose so.

_Bob._ And could you wish Jack to live all his life in indifference to such things--just idle and play, and spend the wealth that other people produce for him?

_Jessie. (Clenching her hands.)_ Oh, if he'd only come home! _(The telephone rings.)_

_Bob._ I'll answer it. _(Goes to phone.)_ Hello. _(A pause; then exclaims.)_ Why, what's happened? _(Another pause; he turns to Jessie.)_ It's Jack!

_Jessie (leaps up.)_ Jack!

_Bob._ Ssh. _(In phone.)_ Yes, what's that? What's the matter? Well, I declare! Sure, Jessie's here. Yes, Dad's upstairs. No, I won't tell him. Perhaps he won't. Hey? In two minutes? All right! Bye-bye! _(Turns.)_ He's coming home!

_Jessie._ Bob!

_Bob._ He's around at the subway station. He'll be here in two minutes.

_Jessie._ But what's happened?

_Bob._ He wouldn't say. Just says he gives up--he's coming home.

_Jessie._ Thank Heaven! _(A pause.)_ But Bob! What can it mean?

_Bob._ It means he's lost his wager.

_Jessie._ I don't care! He's coming home! Jack! Jack! _(She dances and claps her hands.)_ Oh, I'm so happy! So happy! _(The light begins to rise on the Real-play-enough to reveal Bill getting up from the cot. He looks about guiltily, climbs up to a shelf after a bowl. There is a crash. Instantly the Play-play vanishes.)_

_Will. (Starting.)_ What's that?

_Peggy. (Leaps up and runs Right.)_ Bill!

_Bill._ Boo-hoo-hoo!

_Peggy._ What's the matter?

_Bill._ I didn't go to do it!

_Peggy._ But what--

_Will._ Didn't you know we were busy?

_Bill._ I-I was hungry!

_Peggy._ Poor Bill! Never mind, dear! _(Clasps him in her arms.)_ There was nothing in the bowl.

_Bill._ I th-thought there might b-b-be.

_Peggy._ Never mind! Poor little fellow! He was hungry!

_Bill._ I couldn't sleep, Peggy.

_Peggy._ All right, never mind. We won't scold you. It doesn't matter about the old bowl--we've got nothing to put in it anyway. Now, don't cry--you'll get yourself all excited. _(Sound of singing heard off Right.)_

_Bill._ Oh! There's the Beggar-kid! _(Runs to window.)_ Say, Peggy! Can't I go down and listen to him? I won't go off the steps, and I won't talk to anybody.

_Peggy._ You're sure you feel well enough?

_Bill._ I'll feel better, Peggy. Please! Please!

_Peggy._ You'll truly not go off the steps?

_Bill._ Word of honor, Peggy!

_Peggy._ All right, then.

_Bill._ Hooray! Now, I'll get the roses in my cheeks! _(exit at door Left; Peggy closes window and sound of singing stops)._

_Peggy._ It's a crime that child isn't in the country!

_Will (drawing her to table)._ What do you think of my fourth act?

_Peggy._ Why dear, it's just as I said about Act One, you need more life in the scene, more variety and color.

_Will._ But how can it be got?

_Peggy._ I told you before--you must bring in Gladys.

_Will._ Gladys at this stage of the play?

_Peggy._ Of course! You're bringing home Belle, and you want a character contrast--the daughter of the tenements and the princess of the plutocracy. Gladys is still in love with Jack, and here he's coming home with another girl!

_Will._ Oh, Peggy, that's so cheap!

_Peggy._ Wait, Will--let me work it out for you. I can show you what I mean. Let me have your pencil.

_Will (groans)._ Go on!

_Peggy._ See now--it's the same scene--_(begins to write, Will reading over her shoulder. Play-play begins to appear)._ Only Gladys is pouring tea--

_Will._ Isn't that just like her! Always pouring tea!

_Peggy._ Shut up! There's Jessie and Bob. Gladys has her very finest society manner--she wouldn't for the world let anyone think that she was excited by the telephone-message. _(full light on Play-play)_

_Gladys._ Well, Jessie, I have had a most enjoyable evening. But I must be going now.

_Jessie._ What? When Jack is coming?

_Gladys.__ Oh, would Jack want to see me? Surely not! No, I must really go _(rises and starts to door)._ Good-bye!

_Will._ You're not going to have her go off?

_Peggy._ Wait! Let me write!

Jessie (rises, runs and stops Gladys)._ No, dear! Please wait!

_Gladys._ What for?

_Jessie._ Do a favor for me, Gladys. I know Jack still loves you. I want you to stay here! I want you to hear it from his own lips. Let me hide you behind this screen _(starts towards screen with her)._ When Jack comes in, I'll speak about you--

_Will (vehemently)._ That won't do! _(Gladys and Jessie stop.)_

_Peggy._ Why not?

_Will._ It's rotten!

_Peggy._ But I want her to do it! _(Gladys and Jessie start towards screen again.)_

_Will._ I won't have it I say! It's undignified!

_Peggy._ Oh, don't be silly, Will!

_Will._ I say I won't have it! Let Gladys go on pouring tea! _(Gladys starts towards tea table.)_

_Peggy._ Let them hide, I say! _(Gladys starts to screen.)_

_Will._ Stop, I say! _(Gladys stops, stands dazed and helpless.)_

_Peggy._ Why can't you give me a chance to write?

_Will._ I can't stand it, I tell you!

_Peggy._ But I want to show you how it would go.

_Will._ I don't want to see it! I won't read such things!

_Peggy._ But if I'm to have Gladys at all--

_Will._ You can't have her! She's got no business in my play! _(He leaps up in fury.)_ To hell with her, I say--to hell with her! _(Gladys turns and flees off with a scream; the Play-play fades.)_

_Peggy._ Will, dear, _why_ must you be so unreasonable?

_Will._ Now see, do you want to read what I've written, or don't you?

_Peggy._ Yes, dear, of course.

_Will._ Well then, drop this tomfoolery and go on!

_Peggy (resignedly)._ All right, I'll do it.

_Will._ We've got that scene to finish. I've got a climax that isn't bad, I think. Jessie and Bob have just had the telephone-message. _(Light begins to rise on the Play-play.)_ Jessie's dancing with happiness, but suddenly the thought comes to her, What will Dad say? _(Full light on Play-play; Peggy and Will make secret exit.)_

_Jessie (in distress)._ Bob, do you suppose Dad will take Jack's money from him?

_Bob._ I don't know. It'll all depend.

_Jessie._ Oh, we mustn't allow it! It would be wicked! You go upstairs, Bob, and stay with Dad until I can find out what's happened.

_Bob (rises)._ A good idea!

_Jessie._ Maybe I'll have to hide Jack until we can break the news. _(As she speaks Dad appears in the doorway behind her.)_ You see, Bob, we must handle him carefully--he's an old man and he's liable to fly off, and we can't tell what he might do in a sudden rage. He's not really responsible, you know.

_Dad (stepping forward)._ What's this?

_Jessie (starting)._ Oh, Dad!

_Dad._ What's this you're trying to keep from me?

_Jessie._ Why--it wasn't from you, Dad.

_Dad._ Who was it from, hey? Answer me!

_Jessie._ Why--Dad--

_Dad (raging)._ So I'm not really responsible! You have to handle me carefully, do you? What is it? Out with it.

_Jessie._ Why Dad--it's nothing--

_Dad._ I know better. Out with it!

_Bob._ Really, Dad--

_Dad._ Answer me!

_Jessie._ Why Dad--it's only that I've spent some money.

_Dad._ Spent some money!

_Jessie._ I've been buying clothes, and I was afraid when you saw the bills--

_Dad._ Where are the bills?

_Jessie._ I'll show them to you.

_Dad._ Where are they?

_Jessie._ Upstairs. Please don't scold me too much, Dad. _(Starts to lead him off.)_ You see, I didn't realize at the time--

_Dad._ I know. That's always the way with my children. They never realize anything!

_Jessie._ It isn't so bad--_(The front door bell rings, she starts.)_ Oh!

_Dad._ What's the matter?

_Jessie._ Nothing. Come on!

_Dad._ Wait till I see what this is.

_Jessie._ It's nothing, Dad.

_Dad._ How do you know it's nothing?

_Jessie._ I want to show you the bills.

_Dad._ Well, wait just a moment. The bills won't run away.

_Jessie (aside to Bob)._ Lost!

_Dad._ Why, what's that? Isn't that Jack's voice? Why-why-good God! _(Jack appears in doorway, with Belle on His arm, Dolly and Bill behind him. All stare.)_

_Jack (staggers to chair with Belle)._ Excuse me, please. _(He proceeds to loosen Belle's coat, tears away her collar. She is half fainting.)_ Get me a glass of wine! Quick! _(Bob obeys.)_ A fan, somebody! _(Jessie seizes a newspaper and hands it to him. Dolly kneels at Belle's other side.)_ She'll be all right in a moment--she's exhausted. Ah! Better? _(He rises and speaks swiftly, intensely.)_ You see what's the matter. The girl is ill; she's nearly dying. I had to get help for her. _(To Bob.)_ You must excuse me, old man. I had to give up the wager. This was too much for me. You see--_(Hesitates.)_ I guess you were right. I ran into the reality of life, and it floored me. You may kid me all you please, I'll take my medicine. But there was this girl--I had to come back, you see. _(To Dad.)_ Excuse me, Dad, for making such a mess of it. But I couldn't punish this girl for my sins. I had to give up my quarter of a million, and save her life.

_Dad._ What's the matter with the girl?

_Jack._ She's been worked to death. Standing on her feet in a restaurant fourteen hours a day.

_Jessie._ Oh!

_Jack._ And you see, Jessie--I remembered how you'd gone to Florida and got well. _(To the others.)_ Look at the difference! Look at the contrast between them. That was what knocked me out--I couldn't get away from it. I've got to send this girl to Florida and give her the same chance that Jessie had.

_Jessie._ Who is she?

_Jack._ She was a waitress. She helped me when I was starving. And now I have to help her. She's as good as gold, Jessie, and you must be kind to her. It wasn't fair that she should die, just because I'd been an idler, a good for nothing! Bob--you'll be satisfied when you know what a lesson I've had. You can't imagine how I feel, coming out of it--it's like escaping from a nightmare! I can't quite believe it's over. _(He stands staring before him)._ And then I think--I've brought her out with me, but how many others I left behind me! Tens of thousands of others, down there in a pit! Belle, look at me! It was a bad dream, and now it's over! Here's my sister--see! She was as sick as you, and now, how well she is! Look at her cheeks--touch her--take her hand. And you shall be like that, you shall start for Florida right away! Can't you believe it, Dolly?

_Dolly._ It seems to me we've got some explanation coming to us, Jack.

_Jack._ Oh, I forgot. This is my sister. This is Dolly, Belle's sister, and this is Bill--a little news-boy who helped me when I was down and out.

_Bill._ Good evenin', ladies and gents.

_Dolly._ It was some kind of joke you played on us, Jack?

_Jack._ It was a wager I had made. I went out to shift for myself and see how I'd get along. I wasn't playing any joke on you, Dolly.

_Dolly._ It was a pretty poor joke on Belle, I think.

_Jack._ How do you mean?

_Dolly._ You promised you'd marry her!

_Dad._ What!

_Jessie._ Marry her!

_Dolly._ That's what he told her. Didn't you, Jack?

_Jack._ Why--I--

_Dolly._ It's all right, Jack--since's we've caught on in time.

_Jack._ No, no, don't misunderstand me. It was just that I didn't want to tell my family just yet.

_Dad (starting forward)._ Why, you infernal jackass!

_Jack._ Dad--

_Dad._ You have the impudence to come here and tell me that you promised to marry a waitress in a restaurant!

_Jack. Yes, Dad---

_Dad (raging)._ Are you mad? When you've just proven that you can't earn enough to fill your own belly? You come here whining for forgiveness, and then tell me you'll marry a girl of the streets--

_Jessie._ Dad! Stop!

_Dolly._ Excuse me, Jack--we'll get out of this. _(Rises.)_

_Jessie._ No--wait! Please, Dad--

_Dad._ Let her go! There's no place for her here.

_Dolly._ Come, Belle, _(Lifts her.)_

_Jessie (Hysterically)._ Dad, how can you be so cruel?

_Dad._ Keep out of this, Jessie.

_Jack._ If they go, I go too, Dad.

_Dad._ Go, and good riddance to you.

_Jack._ If I go, I'll never return.

_Dad._ Has anybody asked you to?

_Bob._ Wait a minute, Dad.

_Dad._ Let me alone, Bob. I'll attend to this.

_Jessie (rushing to Jack)._ Jack! Jack! Wait!

_Dolly._ Come on, Belle! This is no place for us!

_Jack._ I'll take her myself. _(Exits left with Belle)._

_Jessie._ Jack! Dad doesn't know what he's saying!

_Dad._ Who says I don't know what I'm saying? Who says I'm not responsible for my own acts? Who says I have to be handled carefully? I'll have you all understand--

_Jessie (clutching Dad)._ Don't you see the girl's nearly dead?

_Bill._ I'll get out too _(To Dad.)_ Say Mister--_(Dad stares at him)._ You're worse'n my stepfather! _(Exit with Dolly)._

_Jessie (hysterically)._ Dad! Dad! I beg you--have mercy. _(Flings herself sobing upon him)._

_Bob._ Really, Dad, you're treating him pretty badly!

_Dad._ I haven't asked your opinion, sir!

_Bob._ Well, I guess I'll go with him!

_Dad._ As you please, sir! _(Bob exit. The Play-play begins to fade)._

_Will (in low voice)._ That's as far as I've done. _(A pause.)_ It's near the end. What do you think of it?

_Pegyy._ Why, Will, you know what I told you before--

_Will (in a voice of despair)._ That it's all wrong! That I don't know how to write a play. That I've got to do it all over!

_Peggy._ I never said that, Will. But I told you that you couldn't put an audience through all those harrowing adventures, and then pile an unhappy ending on top. You simply can't get away with such a proposition.

_Will._ But surely, I can't have this play end happily!

_Peggy._ Where's the law to prevent you?

_Will._ The law of truth prevents me.

_Peggy._ What do you mean? Couldn't Dad forgive Jack?

_Will._ No!

_Peggy._ Why not?

_Will._ Because Dad hasn't forgiven me.

_Peggy._ But Will, there are plenty of other Dads--and they aren't all so heartless. You'll simply have to choose another father for this play. You can't write for your own satisfaction--you've got to think about the box-office.

_Will (leaping up and flinging out his hands)._ Oh, my God! The box-office! Have I got to slaughter my artistic instincts to feed the greed of a box-office? For God's sake, Peggy, take this play and write it to suit the taste of Broadway! Or shall I tear up the darned stuff? _(Seizes Mss.)_

_Peggy (interfering)._ Will!

_Will._ I've got a play written, and you come and tell me to write another. And when I take it to the manager, he'll tell me to write a third. And his wife will read it, and I'll have to write a fourth! And then there's the stage-manager--perhaps he has a wife too! Who else, for the love of Mike?

_Peggy (laughing)._ Why there's the star, and the leading lady--in this case you've got two actresses fighting for precedence, tearing each other's eyes out over the question of dressing-rooms. Then there's the press agent and the property-man, and the dramatic editors of a dozen newspapers, who'll tell you next morning exactly why your play fell flat. _(Puts her arms about him.)_ Will, dear, don't be so impatient. Try to understand what I mean! Such a frightfully depressing ending--everybody in the play has lost everything!

_Will._ But that isn't so!

_Peggy._ Jack has lost his wager, and his quarter of a million dollars--and his home!

_Will._ But see what he's gained.

_Peggy._ What?

_Will._ In the first place wisdom, and in the second a wife.

_Peggy._ Few people in the audience know anything about wisdom, and everyone of them knows that he could buy a wife for less than a quarter of a million dollars.

_Will._ That's all very well--for a funny line. But there's many a man would give that much money to find a noble-hearted and faithful and loving woman, who would stand by him through all the trials of his life! I gave up more than a quarter of a million myself, and do you suppose it ever occurs to me to regret the bargain? Do you suppose I'd be willing to wipe you and Bill out of existence if I could get my money back?

_Peggy (lays her hand, on his)._ Will, dear, that's very sweet of you, but it's not the same in your play. In the first place, Bill isn't Jack's child; and then Belle is dying. You see, you've told such a dreadful story--

_Will (irritably)._ Don't tell me that all over again!

_Peggy._ Forgive me! You've got a headache, and you're worn out--we oughtn't to try to argue now. You simply can't get this play right while you're so over-wrought. Take a little time off, and rest and get a fresh view of it.

_Will._ But we'll starve to death in the meantime!

_Peggy._ No, dear, we needn't. Let me go and get a job to tide us over the trouble. So you can do your work without killing yourself-- please, dear, please!

_Will (in thought)._ Listen, Peggy. If we're going to make a break, I've thought of something better.

_Peggy._ What is it?

_Will._ I'll go and see Dad.

_Peggy._ Oh, Will, you couldn't do that!

_Will._ I've been thinking about it for the last three days. You see, putting him in the play has brought him back to my thoughts. I've shown him harsh and narrow--but still I realize that I love him. Perhaps he can't help it if he has a bad temper; and if he's stubborn--well, I've been as stubborn as he. I've waited all these years for him to come; and may be it was my place to make the first move. Now he's old--he can't last much longer; and if he died, I'd be sorry all my life that I hadn't been more generous to him. It isn't his money--after all, he's my father. If I have to humble myself somewhere, perhaps I ought to give him the first chance. _(A pause.)_ What do you think?

_Peggy._ I don't know, Will. It couldn't do any harm, I suppose. _(A pause)._

_Bill (pounds suddenly on door Left)._ Let me in!

_Peggy (leaps up)._ What's the matter?

_Bill (rushes in)._ Oh! Oh!

_Will and Peggy._ What is it?

_Bill._ A man tried to kidnap me!

_Will and Peggy._ _What?_

_Bill._ Tried to--to take me away!

_Peggy._ Bill!

_Bill._ An old man--in an automobile!

_Will._ You don't mean it, Bill?

_Bill._ He got out and asked my name. Then he asked me if I'd like to go for a ride. I remembered what you'd told me about kidnappers. So I ran upstairs.

_Peggy (staring at Will)._ Do you suppose it could be--

_Will._ I'll go and see. _(The bell rings Left; He stops)._

_Bill._ It's the old man! He's after me! _(Shrinks behind, Peggy)._

_Will._ We'll see. _(Opens door. Dad stands in entrance)._

_Bill (whispers)._ The old man!

_Dad (enters without a word; looks about)._ Well, young fellow! So this is where you live!

_Will (in a low voice)._ Yes, Dad.

_Dad._ And this is the woman?

_Will._ Yes, Dad.

_Dad._ And the boy?

_Will._ Yes, Dad.

_Dad._ Humph! _(A pause.)_ Did it never occur to you I might like to see my grandson?

_Will._ I--I didn't know, Dad. _(A pause)._

_Dad (in a breaking voice)._ Well, now you've forced me to humble myself, what have you got to say to me?

_Will (starting)._ Oh, Dad! Forgive me!

_(Seizes his hands)._ Dad, I'm ashamed of myself! I was coming to you to-day. Honestly I was!

_Dad (returning to his gruff manner)._ Well, young fellow, I'm glad to hear you've learned a little sense, at least! How've you been making out? Not very well, I judge.

_Will._ Not at all well, Dad.

_Dad._ Humph! Too proud to tell me, hey? The woman looks pale; and the child too. _(To Bill.)_ Come here, youngster. So this is my grandson! _(To Will.)_ It's all very well for you to make war on your old father and break his pride; but you'd no right to use your child like this. _(Looks at Mss. on table.)_ What's this!

_Peggy._ It's Will's manuscript. A play.

_Dad._ So that's what he is doing, instead of taking care of his wife and child? _(Punches Mss. with his cane and scatters it in every direction over the floor)._

_Will._ Oh!

_Peggy._ Don't do that! We have so much trouble keeping it straight anyway. _(Gathers up Mss. and replaces it on table)._

_Dad._ What's in the thing? Let me look at it. _(Starts to examine it)._

_Peggy (in sudden alarm)._ No, no!

_Dad._ Hey? Why not?

_Peggy._ Not yet. Wait--Will has to revise it. You see--_(She laughs.)_ He's got his local color wrong again.

_Dad (gazing from one to the other)._ What's the joke?

_Peggy._ You see, Dad--Will's been having a hard time, and it's made him pessimistic. He's written a play, and he was ruining it with an unhappy ending. But now--oh, now it has a happy ending! It'll be a success! _(Rushes to Will.)_ Oh, Will, I see just how it goes! I've got the very words! Let me write them, while they're fresh in my mind! (Runs to table, takes pencil and paper.)

_Dad._ But what--

_Peggy._ Wait! Wait! Excuse us, please! It's so important! Here, Bill--take your grandfather! Take him up on the roof and let him see the view! Take him downstairs and let the beggar-kid sing for him! I want just ten minutes to get this down! _(Pushes Dad and Bill off Left.)_ Just ten minutes, please! _(Shuts them out.)_ Now, Will, come here! You see how it is now! Dad has relented, your happy ending is all ready made! You're not making any concession to the box-office--you're simply following truth--the natural human instincts of a father, who loves his son, in spite of all his mistakes and his own bad temper! He orders him out--but all the time his heart is breaking--he's eager for an excuse to relent. Oh, Will, you must see that!

_Will (reluctantly)._ Yes, I suppose so.

_Peggy._ All right then! We go back to your scene in Dad's drawing-room--just after Jack has carried Belle out. _(Play-play begins to appear.)_ Dad stands there, with Jessie clinging to him, weeping, imploring. And Bob is trying to argue with him. Dad doesn't answer at first--wait, I'll write the scene! _(Full light on Play-play. Will makes secret exit.)_

_Bob._ Dad, listen to reason now! Don't make this dreadful mistake. Jack has had his lesson. Can't you see he's had it--the very thing we all wanted for him? He's learned something about the reality of life!

_Jessie (to Bob)._ Make Jack wait! Don't let him go away! Hurry! _(Bob exit.)_ Dad, you must forgive him! That's a good girl he's brought here--can't you see that? And she's ill--she's as ill as I was! Don't you remember how you worried about me? You aren't really cruel, Dad--

_Dad._ I don't want to be cruel. But I won't have him--

_Jessie._ You must forgive him, Dad! _(Jack appears in doorway, with Bob, Dolly and Bill behind him.)_ Jack! Come ask him to forgive you! He's your father! You must do it, to save the girl's life!

_Jack (advances)._ Don't misunderstand me, Dad. I don't ask for the money. I've lost my claim to it, I don't care what you do with it. But I must save this girl! Don't you see what's happened to me? Don't you see what I've gained by my adventure?

_Dad._ What have you gained?

_Jack._ In the first place wisdom! In the second a wife--a noble-hearted and faithful and loving woman, who will stand by me through all the trials of my life! Isn't that worth more than a quarter of a million dollars? Answer me, Dad--_(Stretches out his arms to him.)_ Oh, Dad, isn't it so?

_Dad (gruffly)._ Well, young fellow, I'm glad to hear you've learned a little sense, at least! _(He embraces Jack.)_

_Peggy (leaping to her feet and pointing to the Play-play scene)._ There! There! There's your happy ending! There's your Pot-boiler!


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