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The Stepmother, A Drama in Five Acts, a play by Honore de Balzac

Act 4

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(Pauline's chamber.)

Gertrude and Pauline (the latter sleeping on a large armchair on the left).

Gertrude (cautiously entering) She is sleeping, and the doctor said that she would wake up at once. Her slumber alarms me. This then is the girl that he is in love with. I do not find her pretty at all. Oh, yes, after all, she is beautiful! But how is it that men do not see that beauty is nothing but a promise, and that love is the--(someone knocks). How is this; there are people coming.

Vernon (outside) May I come in, Pauline?

Gertrude It is the doctor.



The same persons and Vernon.

Gertrude You told me that she would soon awake.

Vernon Don't be alarmed. (Calling aloud) Pauline! Pauline!

Pauline (awakening) O M. Vernon! Where am I? Ah! In my own room. What has happened to me?

Vernon My child, you fell asleep while you were taking your tea. Madame de Grandchamp feared as I did that this was the beginning of a sickness; but it is no such thing. It is altogether, as it seems to me, the consequence of a night without sleep.

Gertrude And now, Pauline, how do you feel?

Pauline I have been sleeping--and madame was here while I slept! (She starts up; puts her hand upon her bosom.) Ah! It is outrageous! (To Vernon) Doctor, can you have been an accomplice?

Gertrude An accomplice in what? What were you going to say?

Vernon I! my child! Could you suppose that I was the accomplice of an evil action wrought against you, whom I love as if you were my daughter? Don't speak of such a thing as that! But come, tell me?

Pauline There is nothing, doctor, nothing to say!

Gertrude Let me speak a few words to her.

Vernon (aside) What possible motive can there be for a young child to keep silence, when she is the victim of such an act of treachery as this?

Gertrude (in a low voice to Pauline) So you see, Pauline, you didn't long keep in your possession the proofs which you intended taking to your father in your ridiculous accusation of me!

Pauline I understand all; you gave me a narcotic in order to deprive me of them.

Gertrude We are equally inquisitive. I have done to you what you did to me in Ferdinand's apartments.

Pauline You are triumphant now, madame, but it will soon be my turn.

Gertrude The war, then, is to continue?

Pauline War, madame? Call it a duel! One or the other of us must go.

Gertrude You are tragic.

Vernon (aside) There appears to be no outbreak between them, nor the least misunderstanding!--But stay, an idea strikes me; suppose I go and look for Ferdinand?

(Vernon prepares to go out.)

Gertrude Doctor!

Vernon Madame?

Gertrude We must have a talk together. (Whispering) I shall not leave you until you have given me back--

Vernon I stated to you the sole condition--

Pauline Doctor!

Vernon (going to her) My child?

Pauline Are you aware that my sleep just now was not a natural one?

Vernon Yes, you were put to sleep by your stepmother. I have proof of it. But do you know the reason why?

Pauline Oh! doctor, it is--

Gertrude Doctor!

Pauline Later on, I will tell you all.

Vernon Already from each of them I have learned something of what lies beneath. Ah! poor General!

Gertrude I am waiting, doctor.

(Vernon bows and escorts Gertrude out.)



Pauline (alone; she rings) Yes, the only alternative left me is to flee with him; if we continue this conflict, my stepmother and I, it can but result in my father's dishonor. Would it not be better to disobey him? Then I will write to him--I will be generous, because, my triumph over her will be complete--I will let my father still believe in her, and will explain my flight by attributing it to the hatred which he bears to the name of Marcandal and to my love for Ferdinand.



Pauline and Marguerite.

Marguerite Does mademoiselle feel well again?

Pauline Yes, I am well enough in body; but in mind--Oh, I am in despair! My poor Marguerite, unfortunate is the girl who has lost her mother--

Marguerite And whose father has for his second wife such a woman as Madame de Grandchamp. But tell me, mademoiselle, am I not to you a humble and devoted mother? My affection for you as a nurse has grown in proportion to the hate with which this stepmother regards you.

Pauline Yes, Marguerite, you may believe it, but you delude yourself. Your love can never be as great as her hatred.

Marguerite Oh! mademoiselle! If you would only put me to the proof!

Pauline Really?--Would you leave France for me?

Marguerite To be with you, I would travel to the Indies.

Pauline And would you start at once?

Marguerite At once!--My baggage is not heavy.

Pauline Well, Marguerite, we will start to-night, and secretly.

Marguerite But why is this?

Pauline You ask me why? Do you not know that Madame de Grandchamp put me to sleep with opium?

Marguerite I know it, mademoiselle, and Doctor Vernon knows it also, for Felix told me that he put under lock and key your teacup.--But why did she do it?

Pauline Say not a word about it, if you love me! And if you are as devoted to me as you profess to be, go to your room and gather together all that you possess, so quietly that none shall suspect that you are preparing for a journey. We will start after midnight. You must now take from me here, and carry to your room, my jewels and all that I shall need for a long journey. Use the utmost caution; for if my stepmother had the least idea of what we are doing, I should be ruined.

Marguerite Ruined!--But, mademoiselle, what is come over you? Think seriously before you leave your home.

Pauline Do you wish to see me die?

Marguerite Die!--Oh, mademoiselle, I will at once obey your wishes.

Pauline Marguerite, tell M. Ferdinand to bring me my year's allowance; bid him come this moment.

Marguerite He was under your windows when I came in.

Pauline (aside) Under my windows!--doubtless he thought that he would never see me again.--Poor Ferdinand!

(Exit Marguerite.)



Pauline (alone) When I think of leaving my father's house, it at once comes home to me that my father will seek me many a day, far and wide. With what treasures love ought to repay me, for such sacrifices, for I abandon to follow Ferdinand my country, my father, and my home! But at any rate, this shameless woman will lose him without hope of restoration! Moreover, I shall return! The doctor and M. Ramel will win for me forgiveness from my father. I think I hear the step of Ferdinand! --Yes, it is actually he!



Pauline and Ferdinand.

Pauline Oh, my love, my Ferdinand!

Ferdinand And I thought that I should never see you again! Marguerite, I see, knows all.

Pauline She knows nothing yet; but this night she shall learn of our flight, for we shall be free; and you shall take your wife with you.

Ferdinand Oh, Pauline, do not deceive me!

Pauline I was making arrangements to rejoin you in your place of exile; but this odious woman has hurried on my resolution. There is no merit in what I am doing, it is a question of life and death to me.

Ferdinand Of life and death! Tell me what has she been doing?

Pauline She almost poisoned me; she drugged me, in order to take the letters I carried about me! By what she has dared to do, in order to keep you for herself, I judge what she yet may do. If therefore we wish to be united, our only hope lies in flight. Therefore let us not say farewell! This night we must find some refuge or other--But where? That lies with you.

Ferdinand Ah! These words,--how wild with joy they make me!

Pauline Ferdinand! Take every precaution; hurry to Louviers, go to the house of your friend, the prosecuting attorney; secure our passports, and a carriage with fast horses. I fear that my father, urged on by this stepmother, may try to overtake us! May he fail to do so; he would kill us, for I am telling him in this letter the fatal secret of your birth which compels me thus to leave him.

Ferdinand Dismiss your fears. Eugene completed his preparations for my departure yesterday. Here is the sum of money which your father owed me. (He shows her a pocket-book.) Give me your receipt. (He puts down some money on the table.) I have only to give in my balance sheet in order to be free. We shall reach Rouen in three hours, and at Havre we shall take an American ship. Eugene has sent a trusty man to secure me a passage on board. The officers of the vessel will think it only natural that a man should take his wife abroad with him, so we shall meet with no obstacle--



The same persons and Gertrude.

Gertrude Excepting me.

Pauline We are lost!

Gertrude So you are going to start without telling me, Ferdinand? Oh, indeed! But I have heard it all.

Ferdinand (to Pauline) Mademoiselle, have the goodness to give me your receipt, it is indispensable in completing the account which I must give to your father before leaving. (To Gertrude) Madame, you may be able, perhaps, to prevent mademoiselle from going away; but I can no longer remain here, and I must absolutely start to-night.

Gertrude You must stay here, and you shall stay here, sir!

Ferdinand Against my will?

Gertrude What mademoiselle wishes to do, I myself will do, and without fear. I will make M. de Grandchamp come into this very room, and you will at once see that he will compel you to leave, but--with me and my child. (Felix appears.) Beg M. de Grandchamp to come here.

Ferdinand (to Pauline) I see her object. Detain her here, while I overtake Felix, and prevent him from speaking to the General! Eugene will tell you how you must act after my departure. When once we have left this place, Gertrude will be powerless to oppose us. (To Gertrude) Farewell, madame. You lately made an attack on Pauline's life, and by this act have broken the last ties that bound me to your friendship.

Gertrude You have nothing but accusations for me! But you do not know what mademoiselle intended telling her father concerning you and me.

Ferdinand I love her, and will love her all my life; I shall be able to defend her against you, and I prize her high enough to suffer banishment in order to obtain her. Farewell.

Pauline Dear, dear Ferdinand!



Gertrude and Pauline.

Gertrude Now that we are alone, do you know why I have summoned your father? It is in order to tell him the name and family of Ferdinand.

Pauline Madame, what are you going to do? My father, as soon as he learns that the son of General Marcandal has won the love of his daughter, will get to Havre as quickly as Ferdinand does. He will come up with him, and then--

Gertrude I would sooner see Ferdinand dead than united to any one but myself, especially when I feel in my heart as much hatred for that other one as I have love for him. Such is my final word in our mortal duel.

Pauline Madame, I am now at your feet, as you but now were at mine. Let us slay each other if you like, but let us not murder him! Let his life be spared, though it be at the cost of mine!

Gertrude Will you give him up?

Pauline I will, madame.

Gertrude (she lets her handkerchief fall in the excitement of her passionate speech) You are deceiving me! You tell me this, because he loves you, because he has already insulted me by avowing it, and because you believe that he will not love me any longer. Now this will not do, Pauline, you must give me some pledge of your sincerity.

Pauline (aside) Her handkerchief! Ah! I see with it the key of her desk. It is there that the poison is locked up! (Aloud) Did you say pledges of my sincerity? I will give them to you. What do you demand?

Gertrude Really, I do not care for more than one proof that you mean what you say, and that is, that you should marry the other suitor.

Pauline I will marry him.

Gertrude And you must, at this very moment, plight your troth with him.

Pauline Go to him yourself, madame, and tell him; and then come here with my father, and--

Gertrude And what?

Pauline And I will give him my word; even though this be to give away my life.

Gertrude (aside) In what a tone she uttered that. With what resolution! And without tears--I feel sure she is keeping something back! (Aloud) And so you are quite resigned to this?

Pauline I am.

Gertrude (aside) I hope she is. (To Pauline) If you are sincere--

Pauline You are mendacity itself, and you always see a lie in other's words--Oh! Leave me, madame, you make me shudder.

Gertrude (aside) Well, she is candid at any rate. (Aloud) I am going to tell Ferdinand of your resolution--(Pauline nods in acquiescence.) But he will not believe me. Suppose you write a word to him?

Pauline Yes, I will write to him, and tell him not to go away. (Sits down and writes.) Here is the letter, madame.

Gertrude (reads) "I am going to marry M. de Rimonville--so that you may remain here. Pauline." (Aside) I do not quite understand this--I fear that there is some trick in it. I am going to let him leave; he will learn of the marriage when he is far away from this.

(Exit Gertrude.)



Pauline (alone) Ferdinand is utterly lost to me now--I have always expected it; the world is either a paradise or a prison cell; and I, a young girl, have dreamed only of the paradise. But anyway I have the key of the desk, and I can return it after having taken out something which may serve to put an end to this terrible situation. Yes, that is what I will do!



Pauline and Marguerite.

Marguerite Mademoiselle, my trunks are all packed. I am now going to begin packing here.

Pauline Yes. (Aside) It is best to let her do so. (Aloud) Come here, Marguerite, take this gold and conceal it among your things.

Marguerite You are sure that your reasons for starting away are very urgent?

Pauline My poor Marguerite, who knows whether I shall be able to get away! But come, go on with your work.

(Exit Pauline.)



Marguerite (alone) And to think that I believed this fury was unwilling that mademoiselle should marry! Is it possible that mademoiselle should have concealed from me that her real love was being opposed? Yet her father is so good to her! He leaves her free to choose--Suppose I were to speak to the General--Oh! no, I would not run the risk of injuring my child.



Marguerite and Pauline.

Pauline No one has seen me. Listen, Marguerite, first of all, take away the money that I gave you, and then let me think about the resolution which I have taken.

Marguerite If I were in your place, mademoiselle, I would tell everything to the General.

Pauline To my father? Unhappy woman, do not betray me! And let both of us respect the illusions, in the midst of which he lives.

Marguerite Ah! Illusions! That is the very word.

Pauline You may leave me now.

(Exit Marguerite.)



Pauline, then Vernon.

Pauline (holding in her hand the parcel of poison, which was shown in the first act) Here stands death before me! The doctor told us yesterday, in reference to Champagne's wife, that this terrible substance required some hours, almost a whole night, to produce its deadly effects, and that it was possible, during the first hours, to nullify these effects; if the doctor remains at the house, he will provide this antidote.

(Some one knocks.)

Vernon (from without) It is I.

Pauline Come in, doctor! (Aside) Curiosity brings him to see me, curiosity will take him away.

Vernon I see, my child, that between you and your stepmother, there are secrets of life and death?

Pauline Yes, and, above all, death.

Vernon I was afraid so! And that, of course, I must attend to. But tell me--You must have had some terrible quarrel with your stepmother.

Pauline Let me hear no more of that creature. She deceives my father.

Vernon I know it.

Pauline She never loved him.

Vernon I was quite sure of that!

Pauline She has sworn to ruin me.

Vernon How? Is it in an affair of your heart that she wishes to do you harm?

Pauline Rather say, it is my life she threatens.

Vernon What a horrible suspicion! Pauline, my child, I love you well, you know I do. Tell me, can nothing save you?

Pauline In order to change my fate, it would be necessary that my father change his ideas. Listen; I am in love with M. Ferdinand.

Vernon I already know that. But who would hinder you from marrying him?

Pauline Can you keep a secret? Well, he is the son of General Marcandal!

Vernon My God! You may rely on my keeping that secret! Why, your father would fight with him to the death, if for nothing else, because he has had him under his roof for three years.

Pauline You will then see very plainly that there is no hope for me.

(Pauline sinks back overwhelmed with emotion in an armchair.)

Vernon Poor child! I fear she is going to faint. (He rings and calls) Marguerite! Marguerite!



The same persons, Gertrude, Marguerite and the General.

Marguerite (running in) What is it, sir?

Vernon Get me a tea-urn of boiling water, into which you must drop some orange leaves.

(Exit Marguerite.)

Gertrude What is the matter with you, Pauline?

The General Dear child, do tell us?

Gertrude Oh, it is nothing! We can understand her feelings. It is because she sees her lot in life decided--

Vernon (to the General) Her lot decided? And in what way?

The General She is going to marry Godard! (Aside) It seems to me as if she were giving up some love affair of which she did not wish to tell me. As far as I can understand from what my wife has told me, the unknown one is ineligible, and Pauline did not discover his unworthiness until yesterday.

Vernon And you believe this? Do not precipitate matters, General. We will talk it over this evening. (Aside) Before then I am going to have a few words with Madame de Grandchamp.

Pauline (to Gertrude) The doctor knows all!

Gertrude Ah!

Pauline (she puts back into the pocket of Gertrude the handkerchief and the key, while the latter is looking at Vernon, who converses with the General) Keep him away, for he is capable of telling all he knows to the General. We must at least protect Ferdinand.

Gertrude (aside) She is right. (Aloud) Doctor, I have just been informed that Francis, one of our best workmen, is sick; he hasn't appeared this morning, and you might go and visit him.

The General Francis? Oh! Vernon, you had better go and see him--

Vernon Doesn't he live at Pre-l'Eveque? (Aside) More than three leagues away.

The General Are you alarmed about Pauline?

Vernon It is simply an attack of nerves.

Gertrude I can take your place here, doctor, if that is so, can't I?

Vernon Yes. (To the General) I'll undertake to say that Francis is about as sick as I am! The fact of it is, I see rather too much and my presence is not desired--

The General (in a rage) What are you talking about? To whom do you refer?

Vernon Are you going to fly into a passion again? Do calm yourself, my old friend, or you will cause yourself eternal remorse.

The General Remorse?

Vernon Just keep these people talking, till I return.

The General But--

Gertrude (to Pauline) Tell me, how do you feel now, my sweet angel?

The General Just look at them.

Vernon Ah! Well, women stab each other with a smile and a kiss.




The same persons (except Vernon) and Marguerite.

Gertrude (to the General, who seems as if he were bewildered by the last words of Vernon) What is the matter with you?

The General (passing before Gertrude to the side of Pauline) Nothing, nothing! Tell me, my little Pauline, is your engagement with Godard to be quite voluntary?

Pauline Quite voluntary.

Gertrude (aside) Ah!

The General He will be here soon.

Pauline I am expecting him.

The General (aside) There is a tremendous amount of bitterness in her tone.

(Marguerite appears with a tea-cup.)

Gertrude It is too soon, Marguerite, the infusion can't yet be strong enough! (She tastes it.) I must go and prepare it myself.

Marguerite I have always been in the habit of waiting upon Mlle. Pauline.

Gertrude What do you mean by speaking to me in this tone?

Marguerite But--madame--

The General Marguerite, if you say another word, we shall fall out.

Pauline Marguerite, you may just as well let Madame de Grandchamp have her way.

(Gertrude goes out with Marguerite.)

The General And so my little girl has not much confidence in the father who loves her so? Come now! Tell me why you so distinctly refused Godard yesterday, and yet, accept him to-day?

Pauline I suppose it is a young girl's whim.

The General Are you in love with anybody else?

Pauline It is because I am not in love with anybody else that I consent to marry your friend M. Godard!

(Gertrude comes in with Marguerite.)

The General Ah!

Gertrude Take this, my darling, but be careful, for it is a little hot.

Pauline Thank you, mother!

The General Mother! Truly, this is enough to drive one crazy with perplexity!

Pauline Marguerite, bring me the sugar basin!

(While Marguerite goes out and Gertrude talks with the General, Pauline drops the poison into the cup and lets fall the paper which contained it.)

Gertrude (to the General) You seem to be indisposed?

The General My dear, I cannot understand women; I am like Godard.

(Marguerite comes back.)

Gertrude You are like all other men.

Pauline (hurriedly drinking the poisoned cup) Ah!

Gertrude How are you now, my child?

Pauline I am better.

Gertrude I am going to prepare another cup for you.

Pauline Oh, no, madame, this will be quite enough! I would sooner wait for the doctor.

(Pauline sets down the empty cup on the table.)



The same persons and Felix, then Godard.

Felix (looking inquiringly at Pauline) M. Godard asks if you will see him?

Pauline Certainly.

Gertrude (leaving the room) What do you intend saying to him.

Pauline Wait and see.

Godard (entering) I am sorry that mademoiselle is indisposed. I did not know it. I will not intrude. (They offer him a chair.) Mademoiselle, allow me to thank you above all for the kindness you have shown in receiving me in this sanctuary of innocence. Madame de Grandchamp and your father have just informed me of something which would have overwhelmed me with happiness yesterday, but rather astonishes me to-day.

The General That is to say, M. Godard--

Pauline Do not be hasty, father, M. Godard is right. You do not know all I said to him yesterday.

Godard You are far too clever, mademoiselle, not to consider as quite natural the curiosity of an honorable young man, who has an income of forty thousand francs, besides his savings, to learn of the reason why he should be accepted after a lapse of twenty-four hours from his rejection--For, yesterday, it was at this very hour--(He pulls out his watch) Half-past five--

The General What do you mean by all this? It looks as if you are not as much in love as you said you were. You have come here to complain of a charming girl at the very moment when she has told you--

Godard I would not complain, if the subject were not marriage. Marriage, General, is at once the cause and the effect of sentiment.

The General Pardon me, Godard, I am a little hasty, as you know.

Pauline (to Godard) Sir--(Aside) Oh, how I suffer! (Aloud) Sir, why should poor young girls--

Godard Poor? No, no, mademoiselle; you are not poor. You have four hundred thousand francs.

Pauline Why should weak young girls--

Godard Weak?

Pauline Well, then, innocent young persons--be so very fastidious about the character of the man who presents himself as their lord and master? If you love me, will you punish yourself--will you punish me--because your love has been submitted to a test?

Godard Of course, from that point of view--

The General Oh! These women! These women!

Godard You may just as well say, "These daughters."

The General Yes, for I am quite sure that mine has more brains than I have.



The same persons, Gertrude and then Napoleon.

Gertrude How has it turned out, M. Godard?

Godard Ah, Madame! General! My happiness is complete, and my dream fulfilled. For now I am to be admitted into a family like yours. To think that I --Ah! Madame! General! (Aside) I'd like to find out the mystery, for she has precious little love for me.

Napoleon (entering) Papa, I have won the school medal--Good-day, mamma--and where is Pauline? And so you are sick? Poor little sister! I'll tell you something--I have found out where justice comes from.

Gertrude And who told you? Ah! see what a lovely boy he is!

Napoleon The master told me that justice comes from God.

Godard It is very plain that your master was not born in Normandy.

Pauline (in a low voice to Marguerite) O Marguerite! Dear Marguerite! Do send them all away.

Marguerite Gentlemen, Mlle. Pauline desires to take a little nap.

The General Just so, Pauline, we will leave you, and you need not get up till dinner time.

Pauline I will certainly get up then if I can. Father, kiss me before you go.

The General (kissing her) My darling child! (To Napoleon) Come, my boy.

(They all go out, except Pauline, Marguerite and Napoleon.)

Napoleon (to Pauline) And how is it you do not kiss me? Tell me what ails you?

Pauline Oh! I am dying!

Napoleon Do people die? Pauline, what is death made of?

Pauline Death--is made--like this--

(Pauline falls back into Marguerite's arms.)

Marguerite Oh! My God! Help! Help!

Napoleon Oh! Pauline, you frighten me! (Running away.) Mamma! Mamma!

[Curtain to the Fourth Act.] _

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